White Dudes for Harris first ad!
Full transcript: Hey, White Dudes! So, I think we’re all pretty sick of hearing how much we suck. Every time you go online, it’s the same story: we’re the problem.
And yeah, some white dudes are. Trump and all his MAGA buddies are out there making it worse, shouting nonsense in their stupid red hats and acting like they speak for us when they don’t. All they’ve ever done is screw us over.
But if you’re not on the MAGA train, where do you go? Isn’t it just swapping out one crappy option for another?
Then it hit me. This isn’t about picking teams. It’s about who’s got a plan that’s gonna make life better for me and my family.
So I’ve been doing my own research and decided to check out Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and before you jump down my throat…
They’re actually talking to guys like us—no lectures, no BS. Just real solutions that protect our freedoms and help us take care of the people who matter.
And honestly? I think Harris and Walz are the ones to make that happen.
End of the day, you’re your own man, and it’s your call. But if anyone gives you crap about it, tell ‘em it’s none of their damn business. …...more
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