Join the Salt Club
Become a Salt Club member to earn loyalty points and exclusive rewards, plus keep up to date with our Salt Journal and be the first to hear of new arrivals.
How It Works
Create your account to
earn 100 points.
Earn points every time
you shop.
Redeem points for
exclusive rewards.
Ways To Earn
How To Spend Your Points
Redeeming your points is simple! Swipe across to view redeemable points in green. (When using a phone or tablet.) Then click Redeem points, then copy and paste your code at checkout.
$10 off
100 points
$15 off
150 points
$20 off
200 points
$25 off
250 points
$50 off
500 points
$75 off
750 points
$100 off
1000 points
$150 off
1500 points