Newness Ahead: Please Read

Dear all,
We just celebrated our ninth anniversary since we began this adventure known as MDK. We’re eagerly looking forward to our tenth year, and it feels like a good moment to let you know about a new idea we’re going to launch this week.
Charter memberships will be available beginning Tuesday—tomorrow!
There will be numerous benefits to being a member of this jolly group—please watch for the details tomorrow.
Before it goes live, though, we want to explain our thinking.
Straight Talk
MDK is at a point where we need your direct support more than ever. Our website is free to all, and it always has been. We decided back in 2015 that we would not do many things that are common on the internet: paid advertising, sponsored content, Google ads with pictures of crepey skin and stuff you never wanted or (annoyingly!) already bought.
We feel strongly that you, our beloved reader, are not a product to be sold to an advertiser.
We treasure the trust you put in us, and we don’t want to squander it by cluttering up our site or (worse!) losing your trust because you can’t tell whether we’re genuinely excited about something or (the worst!) touting something because somebody paid us to write about it. We’ve never done that, and quite frankly we would pack it all in before doing that. It’s not who we want to be.
If we’re selling something on MDK, it’s because it has passed the test of We Love It and It Is a Good Thing.
Rather than spend money on advertising, we put that money into savings for you, with discounts, sales, and special promotions. We’d rather give you that money than give it to Google or Meta or TikTok.
We counted on word of mouth to grow our audience, with the thought that people who love knitting will tell other folks about MDK. That has worked well over the years; word of mouth brought us many readers.
Our Evolving Business Model
From the beginning, our plan was to fund the expenses of MDK by selling yarn and Field Guides. Over time, this model has become more and more tricky. At this point, the yarn and Field Guides formula is not enough.
Our new idea:
The MDK Society.
Members in the MDK Society are going to have numerous valuable benefits, including year-long discounts on all events and full-price products—plus exclusive offerings we can’t wait to tell you about.
We aren’t going to have tiers of membership—there’s just one tier, and it’s THE tier. We have always felt that knitting is a big tent, so we’re pricing the MDK Society as reasonably as possible.
The MDK Society will replace the Field Guide subscription.
We’ll be publishing one Field Guide in 2025—and it’s a humdinger! MDK Society members will receive this Field Guide No. 29. We’ll announce the designer this week (a first!) because we’re eager to let you know what’s ahead.
The Year Ahead: So Good
In 2025, much will remain the same at MDK.
Our daily publishing will continue, with dozens of talented contributors giving us the how, why, and what of knitting. All free for everybody, despite the fact that this excellent content is expensive to produce. Daily publishing is at the very heart of MDK, and it has become an important resource and community for tens of thousands of knitters.
The Shop will continue, with yarns, tools, and special things.
In addition, we’re doing new things that feel really great to be starting.
Virtual classes and events will expand—a lot! We’re planning dozens of these events. We love connecting knitters to the best, brightest, and most interesting teachers and speakers in the world. The feedback has been extraordinary.
Nash Yarn Fest, our big gathering in Nashville, is March 14-15.
And the MDK Society.
More Straight Talk
We need thousands of you to be members of the MDK Society.
MDK occupies a unique place in the knitting world. We are doing things that no other company is doing to make knitting fun, accessible, and exciting. We are all in on this mission, which provides paid work and a robust audience to a long list of independent creatives. The MDK enterprise—making knitters happy, and making knitting joyful—is worthwhile, and it takes a lot of resources.
If you love what we’re doing, this is the moment to support MDK.
Please watch for the launch, coming tomorrow.
Thank you for being with us—it means the world to us to be a part of this community of attractive, well-put-together, unusually brilliant knitters. ; )
And yes, of course—there will be an MDK Society pin. We’re not new here!
Ann and Kay
PS Up top you’ll see the new sculpture, Loqui, by Blessing Hancock, installed last month at Fairgrounds Nashville, where we’ll be gathering for Nash Yarn Fest on March 14-15. Covered in the words of the Nashville community—read about it here. External Link. Opens in new window.. We can’t wait to see you there.
It’s an interesting concept for sure….but for those of us living in places you don’t ship to and who are unable to attend events (due to time zone differences), where would the value be? Genuinely interested in an answer.
To all ten bazillion inquiries about it: yes, Society membership is available internationally (we’ve been shipping regular merchandise orders internationally since May of this year). Also, the Zooms are recorded; if your time zone doesn’t allow you to watch one live, you can always catch up via the recording link we send all Society members.
It’s worth it just for their daily emails.
I just want to add that Ann and Kay have created huge amounts of free content. I find that paying a membership is worth it if only to gain content and considering how much free stuff I’ve benefited from over MANY years, I feel like I owe them at least some financial support for their hard work.
Agree 100%
I’m in the same boat (though for me it’s because I can’t afford to buy the yarn). But as with the subscription, if I can afford it I’ll buy a membership to support the whole effort, not to benefit me.
Same question occurred to me, living in Canada.
Australian here, same question as above.
Just the same question came to my mind.
Just the same for me, living in the Netherlands.
Looking forward to hearing more about this! Will it be open to non US supporters?
From your no 1 UK fan girl!
Answered (in the affirmative) in the comments to the post just above.
Ha! I see others have already asked!
I’ve already felt like your prices on fiber, booklets, instruction videos and events have priced me out of a lot of MDK offerings particularlt with few sales of value along the way. ie: I’m still charged full price for 10 yr old booklets. Not everyone gets a raise in this economy.
I’ll wait and see. Ge
Field Guides are discounted if you order three or more (via the Make Your Own Bundle listing). The MDK Gems that we promote roughly monthly even get you an absolutely free eBook version of whichever FG the project is featured in. There are several ways around the full price options.
Count me in! I appreciate the efforts for this inspiring website and daily newsletter. That alone is worth my Society dues!
I’m looking forward to the launch and wish you success! I hope that virtual events will be able to be downloaded. I purchase these willy-nilly if I know that I can watch them at my convenience no matter how crazy life gets. It’s kind of like buying more books at a bookstore than I will ever be able to read. If I have to figure out how a virtual event or book will fit into my schedule, I’m unlikely to buy, but having a stash for later is pure joy!
Virtual events that I am able to access later is a biggie for me too.
We record them all!
Unfortunately, just being recorded doesn’t get me to where I need to be to purchase a virtual event. Doesn’t the recording for most of these go away quickly (and it often isn’t clear exactly how long the recording will be available, anyhow)?
The wish list issue I’m trying to raise is my desire to buy virtual events even if I’m not sure if I will get to them for years. If I know I can use the content when I’m ready for it or need it, and that I can continue to use it as a reference, I’m ever so much more likely to buy. There are several reasons that this is essential for me and, I suspect, some others. Here are a few.
First, a disability combined with other life complications make managing time and energy difficult.
Second, I am slow when it comes to visual learning and I benefit from repetition. The ability to rewind 10 seconds easily (*not* via a slider bar) is also essential for me. Sometimes, things are demonstrated or discussed that I want to return to for other projects. I make a note of the time stamp for such things (if the platform doesn’t allow bookmarking).
Third, when dealing with small companies, I like to have a download in case you ever do “pack it all in”. I’ve been burned before.
Finally, I like to buy content that I am not yet ready to tackle. I do this frequently to support platforms I love, even if I realize I’m being optimistic about getting to use the content anytime soon. I still get the joy of stashing it for later.
These are just a few reasons, and I’m sure there are many more that others could add. Thank you for hearing me out and wishing you a successful launch tomorrow!
We do our best to answer the concerns you express.
We provide recordings to classes via a private link on Vimeo, a reputable and safe public platform. We don’t take the recordings down, so they are available to participants indefinitely, as long as Vimeo is there—which we believe it will be, of course, but we don’t control it.
A downloadable, permanent class is a different kind of product, and usually costs the user more because of the substantial permissions and rights and hosting that have to be acquired, etc. You don’t get any recording, let alone a permanent recording, when you take a class in person from an excellent teacher (which would cost more).
We want virtual class recordings to be available for convenience, so that more folks can participate across time zones and busy lives, and so that people with different learning styles and preferences can participate, but they are recordings of live experiences and as such are not meant to be eternal. Indefinite, but not permanent! We think that’s really reasonable given the pricing and quality of instruction on offer.
Thank you, I really appreciate the long availability of recordings. I just joined the Society and can’t wait for the fun! I also want to say how much I appreciate not being bombarded with ads. That’s worth a lot to me.
Wishing you all the best in this endeavor! We will toast you and the entire MDK team and community at dinner tonight.
Just FYI: My posts to this thread don’t make chronological sense. It wouldn’t let me respond to Kay’s latest comment so my last post (thank you + I joined the Society) posted out of order.
With a couple of very early-on exceptions, none of the workshop recordings expire. We do recommend that you watch them as soon as you can in case dreaded internet drama happens (spoiler alert: it will, eventually!), but we do not rescind access once you’ve got it.
Thank you Kay and DGMDK. Indefinite availability is a great option. In the recent past, however, MDK said the videos for some classes would be removed quickly, sometimes within weeks or a month or two. (The Patty Lyons class is an example.) This, along with the lack of clarity prior to purchase, prompted me to write this post. I appreciate this solution and encourage you to make it explicit when new classes are sold.
We learned a lot with our first couple of classes, for sure.
I’m excited – can’t wait to hear the details and join!
I’m in! Your blog is a refreshing breath of fresh air and handmade art in a sea of consumerism. Charge away! I like the idea of supporting your daily online content. I also like the idea of value in downloadable patterns. I enjoy the field guides but very much like the idea of one annual version better. (It doesn’t even have to be printed.) My vats of (now vintage) knitting magazines are piling up and I almost always purchase downloadable patterns now anyway. PS I’m making the Cottage Throw now from Botanica and am loving it!
I’m in.
Let’s go!
Would I be able to send a check via snail mail?
I enjoy your daily messages.
My husband supports a few local breweries in this manner. Looking forward to hearing about this exciting opportunity. Knowing the level of care and thought that has gone into all of MDK I know it will be something special.
I love this idea!! Can’t wait to hear the details.
How exciting!!! For those wondering about participation in an alternative time zone, due to my work schedule, I enjoy on the great recorded sessions:) Thrilled to know you will have more virtual classes–The Best!
This sounds like a great idea. I love the idea of one annual field guide. I love what you do and really want to continue to support you in the way that helps you keep doing this! Thank you for the info today.
I am interested!
I’m interested and would also consider contributing to a scholarship program if you do one.
Me too.
Woo hoo! I am in too. I feel like the last nine years of knitterly content, Zoom classes with world-renowned instructors and generally feel-good emails is worth my dollars. And the pin sounds fun, too. Bring it on!
Can’t wait to see the details!
I’ve been a Field Guide subscriber since the beginning, so I guess I’m in! I believe in supporting projects that do good work, and if they give me as much joy as MDK, it’s a no-brainer!
I do want to put in another word for recorded zooms, etc. I have a disability that severely limits my energy, and being able to watch on my own schedule is a huge plus.
Personally I hope the FGs continue in print as well as digitally; I’m old and I still prefer printed books and magazines.
Thanks so much for your support! Since the beginning we’ve recorded all virtual classes so participants can watch and rewatch at their convenience. We totally get why that’s important for so many reasons.
I’m in! I can’t wait to be part of a new adventure!
Really looking forward to signing up. xx
I HEAR YOU! It has become harder and harder to sustain a printed publishing + yarn business in a world of ever-escalating postal and production costs. I applaud the amazing and intentional decisions you have made over the years to create your own delightful, kind and creative corner of the Internet and, as one small business-owner to another, wholeheartedly support every decision you make in order for MDK to continue. Where do I sign up? Hugest luck and love for this new endeavour xxx
No need to ask twice!
Will be happy to support you! Looking forward to the info!
I’m in! I appreciate everything you do! Let’s go!
Sounds exciting!
Eager to subscribe tomorrow and learn even more. I appreciate what you do and how you do it. 🙂
Totally understand! Glad to be a member of the MDK Society! I am voting for you to continue to publish several individual guides per year so your unique artists can be highlighted! And the guides are so small, I toss them in my knitting bags! Can’t wait to join tomorrow!
I’m in!
Can’t wait to hear more, I know it will be great! I love the idea of more virtual events.
I’m eager to support you! Looking forward to being a member of the MDK Society 🙂
I enjoy all your content – such an array – and have enjoyed recorded videos, when I couldn’t watch something live (which is more fun, certainly). And participating in a forum was really valuable – encouraging and helpful. I live in Canada. I would hope you would continue to publish field guides as “real” books, which I can buy at my LYS. I know shipping is expensive, and I find that on many platforms. It is what it is. Thanks for all you do, it’s appreciated.
Wow!! Look forward to this next big step. Congratulations!!
I have followed and supported MDK from the very beginning: valued the more appropriate, inclusive name change; purchased an annual subscription to the field guides; purchased zoom events, etc. What I have enjoy most are the “how tos” articles from experts in craft and fiber and the travel logs (particularly when fiber-centered). Before you announced a change in your business model, I’ve been questioning my continued commitment. This past year many more of your daily blogs have been devoted to promoting your yarn and other items for sale. Although I understand you’re running a business, I just scroll on when disinterested. As a retiree on a fixed income, I’m not certain I want to pay an annual subscription to support a business or to support a blog that is beginning to read more like an infomercial. This is very different from Patreon designer support.
I hope you like the changes that are coming, Barbara. We’re trying to find a better way to support the core of what we’re doing: high quality content and community.
I’m in! You have done so much for all of us, I’d be in based on that alone. But your ideas sound wonderful! Can’t wait to support you in this new endeavor.
I’m here for it.
I’m IN!!! I fully support the idea that your content is worth subscribing to. I support other newsletter forums with content that enrich my world and am happy to offer the same to MDK. Frankly, I have thought daily that it seems impossible for you to offer so much without paid support!
Best of luck and prayers that most of your readers recognize your value as well!
I really appreciate that we are not bombarded by ads ands banners and all kinds of useless information on MDK. I joined quite by chance at the beginning of COVID (way back in 2020!) and am a faithful follower and enjoy everything you publish. I also live in Canada, and so it is not easy to purchase all the wonderful goods offered by MDK. Wishing you continued success and satisfaction as you enter this new phase. I plan to support MDK as best as I can.
Looking forward to this & learning more!
Interested in hearing more about this. I love your site, the field guides and your classes and products.
Looking forward to hearing more about the MDK Society.
I have enjoyed the daily posts and know that a tremendous amount of work goes into these excellent reads, workshops and field guides.
I love MDK and will try to support in whatever way possible to keep this great space available.
Exciting News!
I like the “clean finish” of this idea which speaks to Barbara’s objections as well as others. I will await further news to see how this will pan out for me. I certainly hope that it will….Love that Loqui sculpture. Public sculpture (Chicago’s Bean?) is in a class by itself and takes genius to envision it’s future impact (the Louvre Pyramid). I hope I will get to see it in person next March. Am buying general admission ticket but life is complicated and there is no telling…
I’m really curious to hear more about this. I’ll be honest. I have almost every Field Guide, bought piecemeal early on but now an annual subscriber. I’ve only made ONE thing from any of them. I subscribe to support the designers and MDK because I appreciate all the other “stuff” MDK provides from yarn to information (love the how-to’s and travel pieces!). Very little is free in life. If you don’t want to be bombarded with ads and appreciate what MDK provides, you need to help them out. We all like to think Ann and Kay are our best friends and just do this out of the goodness of their hearts, but they’re trying to run a woman-owned business for God’s sake. Show them some support!
Love the Field Guides; they fit so easily in a project bag. Have all of them.
I’m excited for the next chapter at MDK. Count me in.
I’m curious about the pricing. I’m a very experienced knitter who doesn’t learn from video format so I skip any classes taught over zoom. Will the Field Guide be available as a stand alone product or is it THE incentive to support the entire shebang?
Interesting concept. I’ll need to wait to see the cost before I decide. Everyone wants to sell memberships to make money now but there needs to be a cost benefit. The only thing I ever buy here is the beautiful little Field Guides and I love them even though my skill level doesn’t allow me to make much out of them. So pardon me if I am not as enthusiastic about an annual field guide. It was always fun to see who the designer will be.
The virtual classes aren’t fun for me because I zone out, get interrupted, have technical issues, or dates don’t line up. I don’t ever go back and watch because why? I can’t ask questions or interact.
So I dunno. I may end up at this point buying my last Field guide (or are you saying they won’t even be available to anyone who isn’t a member? That would be exclusive?) and moving on.
No, the Field Guide will be available to anyone once it’s released officially. Society subscribers – just like the current incarnation of Field Guide subscribers – simply get access to it early…as well as early access to the yarns we’ve picked up that are associated with it.
One day to wait? Gosh, that’s a looooonnng time 🙂
See you tomorrow!
I am a slow, mediocre knitter but with aspirations of greatness! Your morning post is the best thing I read every day. It’s joyous, humorous, educational and positive. It fills me with hope that I, too may one day join the ranks of the accomplished readers of these posts. Over the years I’ve bought several field guides, random skeins of yarn and enough Rowan felted tweed to fill a barn hoping one day to making Kaffe Fassett’s intarsia blanket. Yet I’m sure I have not paid my fair share. I appreciate (so much!!) that there are no ads and you don’t sell my data. I will gratefully subscribe to the Society and appreciate the necessity of a dependable stream of revenue. Many, many thanks for all you do! Beth
Your letter correspondence blog and all your growth and change has made a difference in my knitting life all these years. Because of she focus on inclusion and diversity in this community , I am now helping my own church to become Affirming and taking action in our town, as well as shepherding a knit night and a prayer shawl circle. Thanks for your leadership and the invitation to invest in this.
I’m in ….. love MDK. My hope is that for zoom classes the recording do not expire It is essential that we can go back whenever it is necessary. Not just for two weeks or whatever. Love the ones I have taken and will look forward to new ones ! Great ideas !
We keep the recordings available indefinitely now!
Happy to support you with an annual subscription. Pay back for 19 years of fun.
Thanks for all you do. ❤️
I’m interested and would also consider contributing to a scholarship program if you do one.
Speaking for a small minority of us, can you promise to keep politics out of this blog? I do not believe knitting and politics are important when people are kicked in the face for disagreeing with the majority.
I’ve read through 60 comments so far and not one person asked for more political content.
As a strong conservative and Christian, I don’t need to be asked for apologies. You have it and I’m not asking for one.
I’m asking if you’ll keep this a knitting site that you have such a loyal following to.
I love you guys. I love what I learn and I love Jane. I want to buy Jane. I want to support this site that’s meant so much to me for so many years but I can’t if you keep feeding us to the wolves and then put us in moderation if we speak our minds too. Democrats never get put in moderation.
No one has asked for more. Does that tell you something?
A guarantee and I and maybe others will open our wallets again and be joyful to support you.
Everyone is welcome here, there has never been the slightest bit of face-kicking or wolf-feeding, ever—have you met us? I honestly don’t understand why you would make those accusations. Have we taken down comments? Very few! But yes we do exercise that right on occasion; we don’t provide a forum for nastiness. But we don’t take down a comment simply because it’s critical or disagrees with us. Your comment is a case in point. It’s still here, and I’m responding to it.
What people do find when they come here is daily content about knitting and life—published by two people who don’t try to pass themselves off as “neutral”—whatever that means. Some readers appreciate that and have told us so, others may not appreciate it (and have told us so)—and they are still welcome to stay and enjoy the things that they do enjoy, or go.
These are times when people need to stand up for what they believe in. There was an openly racist, hate-filled rally in my city two days ago, put on by a candidate for president. I’m going to express my feelings about that.
Yet a month or so ago MDK went very political. Very in favor of the current VP to be made P!
I read your info but I now longer care if you succeed
Haha! The person asking for no politics is the only comment amongst many with politics! Myself, I truly appreciated you took a stand. Gutsy and important. As to the membership concept, like many it depends on the dollar amount, though I do want to support you. (My stash of MDK kits attests to that. ) Having owned my own design business in SF for decades, I well understand how had it is to keep a business going. I think the trick is to be facile–good, fresh ideas like the ones you have implemented, but also to cut back sometimes. And for everytime I hear someone bemoan “fixed income” as a “poor me,” I shake my head. There were many, many moons I would have loved to have had a fixed income, any income, instead of the times I was paying employee salaries (28 of them) out of my own savings. So, you go, gurls! Don’t give up! You have something unique and beloved that you offer. Something to that is meaningful in these troubled times. Xxoo
With respect and kindness, Knitting and Politics go together like peanut butter and jelly! We have a robust history of opposing hate and supporting justice.
“In the United States and abroad, wartime has long involved knitters. Especially before women were involved in combat, they were encouraged to support troops from home by knitting necessary items for soldiers such as socks and hats. Since knitting was a very common sight, nobody would think of knitting as a suspicious activity. But knitting and espionage have a certain connection throughout history.”
( External Link. Opens in new window.)
First and maybe most importantly – thank you for being transparent with your strategy. It brings all of us into your thinking, enrolls us in your effort and allows us to make a choice to support a small business that is at once local and beyond local. I would be bereft to be without the columns, the instructions, the classes and the inspiration from so many textile artists. I need Samantha and her knit/crochet writing!
I am so excited to be part of a “society.” The way you weave women’s history with MDK is just so brilliant. Sign me UP! I am with you all the way.
Finally, thank you Ann and Kay for the work you do, the creativity you inspire and the way you are rethinking your business model. This is hard work. In this together.
I’m getting excited! Will there be patterns without all of the field guides?
I will happily support this endeavor. My respect for your values grows even more.
Interesting concept … no advertising is a great enticement. I’m up for it! I look forward to my morning read every day at 5:00AM
I’m a committed Field Guide subscriber, always sight unseen, and will do the same for this new MDK Society. And I’ll pass the word as always. Rock on, Ann and Kay!
I’m in for sure!
Is there anyway to bring back March Mayhem or similar fun? I miss seeing all the new patterns that it brought to my attention. Otherwise, I love all you do at MDK especially your politics of inclusion.
March Madness (Mayhem?) was without question my favorite event on MDK. There was coverage of many talented designers selected purely for their sophisticated knitting aesthetics. March Madness offered a plethora of well written patterns to buy and to knit as well as the introduction of designers that were new to many of us. Voting was fun and I liked to compare my choices to those of the group.
We miss it too! There were flaws to it that we couldn’t solve but we do keep thinking about it.
Great idea! Love your business model and am so tired of being bombarded with e-commerce. Happy to support you. It’s not easy to maintain integrity in the commercial world. You do it every time. Innovate and create!
I’m in! MDK has been such a catalyst for my knitting journey since I discovered you in 2020. Thank you for all you do.
Count me in!
Yay! This sounds really cool. I’m excited to see what MDK does in the years to come.
I am all in. I’ve enjoyed your content for years, back even when it was just the two of your writing letters to each other on your blog. I’m a writer so I know first-hand how long it takes to create engaging content, which you and your writers do every day. It’s a lot. And I for one am willing to support your work with a subscription.
I always have thought of my Field Guide subscription as a base contribution to all your efforts. You make my day every day.
I don’t always purchase your latest offering due to an already ginormous stash. But not only do I love the Field Guides, but it makes me feel better that I am supporting your endeavors.
I love your Knitters Weekends, Letters from Franklin and Clara, and your latest Lookbook was really gorgeous!
A sincere thank you for all you do.
Oh gee, love me my Franklin Hobbit as well. His writing, humor, honesty, and subtle brilliance is often what I remember days and weeks later. Give me a Franklin Hobbit collection Field Guide!
Open that gate tomorrow and I’m coming through.
The quality of writing at MDK is so high, I’d visit the site every day even if I didn’t knit.
Kay and Ann – Thank you for the hours of enjoyment you bring to my life – honestly. The yarn, the museums – let alone the TV recommendations – expose me to a thousand different worlds and ideas I would have never known.
I’m in!
I would truly be at a loss without my daily dose of content about knitting, fibers, and everything else in the MDK world, from the MDK people. Glad to see that won’t be changing. And I appreciate your honestly airing your thinking about making changes. I can’t say I didn’t feel it coming. You offer so much, and it all must take tons of time, effort, planning and ideas. So tomorrow we’ll see how much we are in alignment in thinking about the plan. Good wishes and much love.
I’m all in on everything MDK and have been since the days of the blog so count me in as a founding member of the MDK Society. Endless inspiration and wonderful things to read and knit and make are discovered through this website each week. I am a Field Guide subscriber and will look forward to the annual issue. I never want MDK to go away and appreciate your creativity and energy that keeps it as such a stellar endeavor.
I think this makes sense.
One of the things I (a working small business owner whosebusiness needs a lot of employees) I often wonder is How Is MDK Making Ends Meet? The contributors alone blow me away, and the printing cost, yeesh. And thanks for mentioning the lack of creepy adverts.
I send money to one of my favorite performers, Neko Case, because her music and lyrics speak to me daily. I rely her like I do on MDK!
And to be honest, I am such a slow knitter that I do not need very much yarn right now (chagrin emoji).
I look forward to to the experience, I plan to give it a try.
I absolutely appreciate buying the online classes, even though I can’t always watch in real-time, because I enjoy both of you so much.
Hugs to you both.
I’m excited to see what will be revealed tomorrow! I will absolutely join this new endeavor to support all that you do. I love my morning emails!! Everyone at MDK is a rock star!!
I am in
Count me in! I appreciate so much about MDK and am happy to continue my support.
I am an overseas reader, and enthusiast, but many of your products are prohibitively expensive in US dollars, or not available. Any options?
While we are of course FULL OF IDEAS about international monetary policy, there’s not much we can do about currency conversion (or shipping rates). You can always switch out yarns with whatever is more readily available to you – we usually do list the recommended gauge on patterns and kits.
I am definitely in. You are such a big part of my knitting life and I admire and value everything you do so I’m glad to support you however you ask.
Mixed feelings here. I guess I need to see the details before jumping in. I Love MDK ever since Mason Dixon 🙂 What two girl friend knitters can accomplish is amazing. Hope this works out for you gals. So I say I’ll have to wait for details but I’m already so excited to see what’s to come!!!
I love your wonderful daily post. I so admire your business model and I want to support its uniqueness.
Can’t wait to see what you all have planned for us in your community.
Hey, sign me up! I’ve been an admirer of both of you since the early 2000s. Why stop now?:)
I am so in!
As someone who’s been a follower since your early days I am full of admiration for your continued evolution and how my life far away in Tasmania has been enriched by being part of your world. Can’t wait to be an official member!
From my perspective there are many good reasons for becoming a Society member. Content is valuable and we all need to stop thinking it should be free just because it is on the Internet. Small businesses are the backbone of any country and need our support. A business created by women and run by women who are willing to evolve is an asset to any society. And it’s knitting, people! Knitting is a gift to mankind ❤️
I’m in! Thanks for all you do.
Yes of course MDK needs to find useful paths to more shoppers.
Your posts over the years have been so much fun, along with such technical expertise – I have learned a lot.
And bring on the politics ! Everything is connected to politics – especially things labelled as “women’s” areas of interest.
I look forward to reading about the MDK Society plans.
Perhaps you have considered adding a light mode option? Especially for those outside USA who don’t plan to buy books, yarn or tools (concern about high shipping/customs fees) – just a basic supporter level. More like Patreon support, fewer perks.
Sign me up! 🙂 <3
I’m fairly sure I have no choice but to join.
You met my husband before I met you (maybe 2006)? At Seaport Yarn.
My dad got no end of joy sharing the photo of his son in law on a knitting blog.
Can’t wait to see (and support) what the future brings!
See you at NYF!
For the record, I met him at least twice before I met you! I distinctly remember him coming to Knitty City to get a book signed when you were traveling for work, he was the sweetest!
I’m in. I look forward to the dailies and think I already own most of the field guides, so I’m all for supporting where I can.
Woot! Woot! I just joined the Society (via the Look Book). Looking forward to a year of fun with all of you!
Love to you all!
Love what you’re doing!
Looking forward to supporting more of what you’re putting out into the world!
MDK is the first page I open every day. Its always a surprise to see what delight you will show me. I loved the books and learned so much from them that I subscribed to the field guides and hope to one day make something from them! I appreciate the variety of designers and projects of all skill levels. As a retired person, I miss the company of my fellow knitters at work and local yarn shop groups are kind of hit and miss for me. MDK folks are only a click away. I will probably join the Society even tho I don’t travel much and zoom events don’t really thrill me. You seal the deal with Mosaic knitting! I recently made a Pressed Flowers kerchief and want to do more of that. Knit on, with confidence and hope….as EZ would say….
I feel relieved that there will only be one Field Guide in 2025. I get so overwhelmed when they come out so quickly!!! This way I can finish the Moss Throw I started last January.
I gain so much from MDK — just yesterday I did a deep dive into the Jane Addams story. I grew up about 20 miles from her birth place and graduated from Rockford College (Jane attended what later became RC), so of course I knew about her but I didn’t remember just how remarkable she was and how timely her message about accepting immigrants still is. Thank you, thank you, thank you MDK. I look forward to all that you offer.
I fully support the concept of a membership. I have learned so much from your publications and I am more than happy to participate and contribute financially to assure that all your efforts are appreciated. There is a business aspect to be considered after all!
Thank you so much for your commitment and wealth of knowledge!
The MDK community you have created is too valuable to not be part of….please forward information to join the group…
Signed up yesterday, I just adore the Field Guides. I’ve learned so many techniques from them over the years. It’s actually a relief that there’s only going to be one published FG a year – there are so many treasures in each guide and I can’t knit that fast 🙂 I always felt behind, even though I know it’s not a competition. Thank you for this, I think the idea of an MDK Society is a great idea.
Forgot to add that I very much appreciate the zoom recordings of classes – again, I learn so, so much! Just signed up for Kate Atherley’s class in November. I love her classes in person, having one on zoom will be a delight.
When does this membership begin? I am currently a subscriber until the end of the year. If I sign up now there will be an overlap?
In addition to avoiding “paid advertising, sponsored content, Google ads” (thank you!), I respectfully request that you avoid posts attempting to influence us with your political agendas. Zoom meetings supporting one political candidate and posting pictures wearing t-shirts supporting candidates are unwelcome and divisive. MDK is a place to escape politics, a respite where we can come together and focus on our love of knitting.
I have supported MDK from the first book you published. But I was shocked and dismayed when at the end of a calm and delightful Zoom hour with Norah Gaughan you promoted an event supporting a political candidate. Moving forward with the MDK Society, please just focus on the loveliness of all things knitting. The MDK platform is a beautiful place. Let’s keep it that way!
Yay! Totally understand the economics of the deal. Been a field guide since the start and am transitioning into the new format. Kudos for being up front and keeping it simple. Love to see smaller retailers, especially yarn/fiber stores, stay.
Count me in!