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You’ve done it. You’ve mastered the physical action of knits and purls and maybe an increase or decrease or two. You have all of the building blocks right there at the ends of your pointy sticks. The knitting world is your knitted oyster!

Unless, of course, you want to make a knitted thing that looks similar to another knitted thing. Then that oyster snaps shut again once you look at a chart or a pattern.

What the heck does this diagonal rectangle mean? How does one parse a PSSO? When you increase “every 4th row,” where do you start counting?

Ooooof, you say, and knit one more garter stitch scarf.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a garter stitch scarf, mind. Sometimes, though, the spirit craves a new experience—and even seasoned knitters have backed away from a project (or ten) whose charts looked more like an engine schematic than a garment pattern.

MDK is here to guide the way.

Please join us for an afternoon with technical knitting whiz Kate Atherley. During this two-hour virtual workshop, Kate will share her best tips on reading patterns and charts. Your confidence will soar.

. External Link. Opens in new window.

Kate is a veteran technical editor of knitting patterns and she’s developed sure-fire strategies for breaking down knitting patterns, charts, and schematics for a stress-free knitting experience.

With her as our guide, we won’t be intimidated by unfamiliar terminology or abbreviations or charts. We’ll decode them with ease. Consider Kate our Rosetta Stone.

But only not so stone-y. She’ll impart all this know-how with patience and great good humor. You’ll look forward to your next challenging project or revisit a pattern that once seemed out of reach.

The Details

Date: Friday, November 15, 2024

Time: Noon-2 p.m. Eastern time

Location: Zoom. This is a virtual event. Your order confirmation email will include a PDF download with the Zoom link for the workshop.

Want to get started? Come on over here to register.

About The Author

Adrienne Martini, the author of Somebody’s Gotta Do It. External Link. Opens in new window., would love to talk with you about the importance of running for elected office or about all of the drama of holding a seat on the Board of Representatives in Otsego County, New York. Adrienne has a newsletter. External Link. Opens in new window., too.


  • I love Kate Atherley! She is a wonderful, smart and kind teacher. Very excited that MDK has invited her to teach this class – really looking forward to it!

  • This will be great. I always enjoyed the classes I’ve taken from Kate.

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