It’s Here! The MDK Holiday Shop Now Open

Dear friends in search of good things,
With all the pride and joy in the world, we announce the launch of our online cabinet of curiosities, our smorgasbord of special things, our cornucopia of craftiness.
The MDK Holiday Shop.. External Link. Opens in new window.

Settle in and enjoy a ramble through our brand-new Holiday Shop lookbook, right here. External Link. Opens in new window..
This year, our annual extravaganza brings you new levels of extraspecial fun.
New! Exclusive kits to let you try out yarn dyeing, embroidery, basketmaking, and block printing.
New! Exclusive yarn bundles with the most colorful yarns.
New! Four virtual workshops with teachers we admire so much, exploring tiny knitting, bullet journaling, pattern reading, and mosaic knitting.
New! The MDK Society, the membership that will set you up for an entire year of fun.
Holiday Shop Showcase Tomorrow!
We can hardly wait to tell you the stories behind all the good things in this year’s Holiday Shop. Please join us on Wednesday, October 30 at noon Eastern, for our Holiday Shop Showcase.
Tomorrow! Sign up here. External Link. Opens in new window. and we’ll send you the Zoom link in the morning.
As ever, we are grateful beyond words for your attention and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do to make MDK a vibrant place.
Ann and Kay
I’ve signed up to the Society and I’m thrilled to do so!
Didi from Sydney AU
I’m all set: signed up for the Society AND for the MochiMochi workshop. Wheee!
Love the Holiday Look Book! I will more shopping after the Zoom tomorrow! But, I couldn’t wait to join the MDK Society. Ann and Kay,I really appreciated the explanation you have for the changes. They are so aligned with your consistently principled business model. There are a lot of inspiring sites and blogs out there. But none have affected me personally as much as MDK. That may sound a bit melodramatic. But, I read my first snippet about 7 years ago. It was right after I lost my husband . I was in a foggy bubble! After months of associating knitting with waiting…in hospital rooms, doctor’s waiting rooms and long nights, I wasn’t interested in taking up the needles or even getting up early! I came across a reference to your field guides, went to the site, read Snippets and spent quite a while exploring. Before I knew it, I was getting up on Saturdays at 5:30am because that’s went it landed in my neck of the woods!! It was the spark that got me moving. One of DG’s columns was the first time in a very long time that I heard myself spontaneously laugh out loud! I think I surprised myself a little!) I went from a self-taught knitter with a closet full of garter stitch scarves to someone who has tried intarsia, backward knitting, fair isle, steeking. I have a few great recipes in my repertoire and countless discoveries of great music, programs and podcasts to knit to!!! MDK continues to give me so much! Thank You! See you at NYF!
I signed up for the Society. I did so because businesses who wear their hearts on their sleeves and tell it like it is need support! Thank you for what you do!
Looking forward to the zoom on Wednesday
I will go back and peruse the Look Book more carefully but I signed up for the MDK Society immediately. Thank you for being so clear and honest about your plans. Keep up the great work!
Hello from the newest member of the Society – you had me at “enamel pin”! Seriously, though, I joined because I want to keep this wonderful site going, not just for me but for all of the other folks I see in the comments who aren’t able to offer their support but can still benefit from the brilliant content, humor, and luscious merchandise that lives here. Now to pore over the other goodies in the lookbook…
Thanks for amazing classes, fun daily letters and now a podcast!!! So much fun. Looking forward to Nash Yarn Fest and happy to be a founding society member — wow, doesn’t that sound hoity toity.
Going through this Holiday Shop book reminded me of when I was a kid, leafing through the Sears Toy Catalogue before Christmas ! Thanks for the enjoyment. Beautifully designed!
I immediately joined the society, and bought a couple of things from the look book. Early admittance to the NYF is a nice bonus. ❤️
I’m in for the Society! Looking forward to a year of fun.
Now to check out the lookbook…
You’re teasing us with the Knitter’s Tote in Vermillion, but I don’t see that color in the options! Just wanted to let you know…
Count me in! I love the MDK community and am looking forward to being a part of many (more) great things! I won’t be at NYF, sadly – already have a trip lined up next year. BUT I look forward to seeing all the stories and pictures of what should be an EPIC weekend! Kudos, Ann and Kay, for your amazing vision!
Finally…I’m in society…seriously, my coffee wouldn’t be the same every morning without MDK…EVERY morning. Thanks for the invite‼️
Glad to help support those who have provided so much support in so many ways!
Although, I wish there were a better term than “Society” — Loop? Purls/Pearls? (Get DG or Patty on this…)
As others have mentioned, I also sometimes wish there wasn’t so much commercial promotion and kinda miss the ol’ blog days. However, the blog pales in comparison to the amazing content, breadth, and depth of today’s MDK.
Lorraine, I used to collect bad yarn shop names and let me tell you: there is no yarn pun stone left unturned.
I’m in — better yet, my daughter-in-law and I are taking the mochimochi land class together from opposite sides of the country. Modern Daily Knitting indeed!
How is Franklin?