The MDK Society: A Year of Fun

Dear friends,
Big news! We’re introducing our first-ever membership program, the MDK Society.
And we’re writing with a cordial invitation for you to become a charter member.
When you join the MDK Society, you’ll receive many valuable benefits—keep reading to see them all.
Joining the MDK Society will definitely benefit you—and it will also benefit knitters everywhere. Times are tough for many. Your membership will keep MDK available to everyone as a daily source of knowledge, community, humor, and uplift. Please support us if you can. We appreciate it so much.
What’s Up?
As a charter member of the MDK Society, you will receive our undying gratitude and these valuable benefits.
• MDK Society 2025 enamel pin. Of course. We have to have a pin.
• Savings of 10% on every virtual event in 2025. We are planning more than two dozen virtual classes, workshops, and talks. A bounteous cornucopia, from a rich array of teachers and experts and designers, at a variety of price points. You’ll have first access, and always at the best price. Every virtual event will be recorded, so you can watch it whenever your schedule allows.
• 10% savings in the MDK Shop. A coupon code for 10% off all full-price merchandise, all year long. International friends, please note that we are now shipping to most countries internationally.
• The Kay and Ann Podcast. For the first time, exclusively for MDK Society members, a monthly Zoom with Kay and Ann and their special guests.
• Field Guide No. 29: Mosaic. Your own print + ebook copy of the brand-new collection starring the design genius of Amy Christoffers, coming in Spring 2025. ($15.95 value.) Your MDK Society pin will arrive with it. (Yes, Field Guide No. 29 will be available for purchase on its own, but MDK Society members will receive their copy automatically.)
• 365 doses of Vitamin MDK. Our daily posts on MDK are the core of what we provide to you. From the best writers in the fiber world come techniques, inspiration, patterns, recipes, travel, self-help, and (of course) Knit to This.
• MDK Society Knit Night Online. For the first time, exclusively for MDK Society members, small group hangouts on Zoom MDK. We’ll make it easy to connect with fellow members. This one is personal: Ann and Kay met on an internet chat board, many years ago, so we know the life-elevating power of hanging out with strangers on the internet.
• Nash Yarn Fest. MDK Society members will enjoy early entry to the festival on Saturday, March 15. (Be sure to get your tickets. External Link. Opens in new window. separately.)
• First notice of classes, special offers, sales.
• And other exclusive surprises along the way. There’s a big one in the works that we cannot wait to announce.
Your Membership Will Fund the Fun
MDK occupies a unique place in the knitting world. We are doing things that no other company is doing to make knitting fun, accessible, and exciting. We are all in on this mission, which provides paid work and a robust audience to a long list of independent creatives. The MDK enterprise—making knitters happy, and making knitting joyful—is worthwhile, and it takes a lot of resources.
If you love what we’re doing, this is the moment to support MDK.
We got out our calculator and discovered that this membership amounts to 27 cents per day.
We hope you’ll think MDK is worth that and, if you’re able, we hope you’ll join the MDK Society, right here.
And for those of you have just joined, we say: Welcome, charter members! Buckle up! There’s good fun ahead!
Thank you for spending time with us—we’re so grateful.
Ann and Kay
Does this work for people who don’t live in the US?
Hi Angela! Definitely! We began shipping internationally in May. And all virtual classes are recorded, with a link sent afterward to everyone who registered, so that classes can be viewed when convenient.
Does this mean those of us who live outside the US will no longer be able to access the site? I’m not planning to become a member because too many of the benefits are geared to US residents. I fully understand that you need to increase your income but have you thought about your overseas followers?
Hi Kay! Thanks for asking. Our daily content, with all the work of our talented contributors, has been and will continue to be available free worldwide. Being a member of the MDK Society means you are directly sustaining this costly publishing program, for which we are grateful. And overseas readers are very much on our minds—we ship internationally, and we record all virtual classes so that you can view them when it works for your schedule. Hope this helps answer your question. Please be in touch at External Link. Opens in new window. if you have any further questions!
Will this include only one field guide for next year ?
Hi Connie! We’re publishing one Field Guide in 2025.
This is a great question. I wasn’t sure if there is only one field guide next year or if only the first one is included. It doesn’t change my decision. I signed up yesterday!
Ellen! Thanks so much for being a charter member! Yes, we’re publishing one Field Guide in 2025, which you’ll receive this spring along with your exquisite and collectible MDK Society enamel pin …
How long is the membership price good? Will it go up soon?
I don’t know! Joining as a charter member for 2025 means benefits begin now and last through December 2025, so the sooner you join, the sooner you will enjoy 10% savings on events and full-price purchases.
Is the payment to join the MDK Society, for 1 year? Or a one time payment that lasts forever?
Membership is annual, through 2025.
As an overseas follower, I don’t see the benefits: overseas shipping is very expensive – especially when customs duty is added too. We were excluded from the Field Guide subscription, which was the first negative initiative for us, but will this be included now? It is definitely advantageous for those knitters in the USA, but not for me.
Hi Sue! We’re shipping the 2025 Field Guide to every MDK Society member, worldwide, shipping included, even though we will lose money on that. I hear you about shipping costs; I wish we could have the rates that giant corporations get. We don’t have access to those because we are a small business. It’s one reason we have always made ebook editions of our Field Guides available. As for the benefits of being a member, we’re hearing from readers that they value and want to support our daily publishing program, which is a central resource in the knitting world. If what we do is worth 27 cents a day to you, then we would be immensely grateful for your support.
I’m excited about the MDK Society…. Because starting my day with reading my email from MDK every morning is important to me and I want to help ensure that MDK can keep on keeping on!
Oh Debrenna, thank you. It means the world to us to have you on the MDK Society bandwagon! It’s going to be a lot of fun this year.
I’m in…I put the subscription and Ann Weaver’s class/kit in my cart and handed it to my husband to checkout as a Christmas gift to me. I’ve learned so much from MDK over the years and I’m pleased to help. You are the first email I open each day as I sip my coffee and I look forward to the daily conversation
I was a Field Guide subscriber and all in to be a charter member and support your creative and inspiring work. This looks like a very exciting year and plan on signing up for classes all year. Sessions I’ve been to this year were awesome and learned so much. Thank you for everything you do!
So excited to have signed up yesterday for this wonderful initiative. I’m in the UK and know that even if I can’t attend every live event, the recordings will be available – woohoo! – also it will be JOY to receive my field guide and enamel pin in the post. I am thrilled to have a way to make one upfront annual payment that will help sustain the wonderful articles and daily joy you bring via this fantastic site. It takes so much time and money to make beautiful content, and I appreciate the lack of advertising nonsense on here so much. Thanks for making an easy way for knitters all over the world to support you and for continuing to find ways to build community and connection into what you do.
This is great! Got my membership. Thanks, Ann and Kay!
I joined yesterday. Looking forward to being part of the community!
Joined yesterday!! Just used the coupon code for the first of many times to come. Good luck on this new adventure!
A year of fun? I’m in! And already paid!
Are the classes recorded? I’ll be on a cruise for the mini knit event and so want to make those little kittens!
Yes, we record all the virtual classes. Cruise away, and tiny kittens will be waiting for you on your return.
Happy to join. Grateful for the information, entertainment and all around good vib from MDK. My kind of group. You all give knitters great value.
I cannot imagine a world without my regular MDK fixes, so I’m all signed up!
Is there a deadline to join as a charter member? I would love to join and n3ed to plot the cost in my budget
Hi Lynn,
We’ll keep the MDK Society membership open at this introductory price through the end of 2024 for sure.
Barring something unforeseen, we plan to keep signups open after January 1, but the price will likely go up a bit. We are giving Holiday Shop folks the best price we can, in the hopes of having a robust group of knitters with us to start off the new year. Thank you so much for considering!
I was so happy to sign up yesterday. I truly appreciate all the effort that goes into running a small business. Your blog is the first thing I wake up to. I am constantly inspired by all the things you create and post. Thank you!
Well, of course I joined! It is such a privilege to be able to do my part to support you two ladies and your wonderful crew. Aside from the glorious yarn, humor, and learning opportunities, I’m not sure where else I could possibly find a more ethical, compassionate and empathically centered business (is that a phrase?) to support than MDK. Plus, I get to make a kitten in a basket? My birthday is next week, so that was easy to justify.
Keep up your wonderful work. MDK is a breath of sanity and joy in a pretty crazy world. We NEED you!
Of course I didn’t hesitate to sign up. Checking my stash of Plied Yarn to see if I might have enough for the shawl class with Ann Weaver. She is a frequent teacher at my LYS. If you are able, take the class. She will not disappoint you.
I have been enjoying MDK for years, for free, with nothing more than an occasional yarn or class purchase. It’s time for me to step up to the plate and do more to support a woman-owned business that I would miss terribly if they were to go away. Signed up yesterday!
Will the opportunity to join be available all year, or is this a limited time only meaning now? Thx!
We’ll keep the MDK Society signups open at this price through the end of 2024 for sure.
Barring something unforeseen, we plan to keep signups open after January 1, but the price will likely go up a bit. We are giving folks the best deal we can now, in the hopes of having a robust group of knitters with us to start off the new year. Thank you so much for considering!
I joined yesterday and am so glad to support that which supports me every single day!!
Signed up! Enjoy MDK and gladly want to support! Lynn
Happy to have the opportunity to support MDK. This is a fabulous, inclusive community and I thank you for creating and painting it.
Sorry, I meant maintaining it! Every single day of the year, showing up and enriching our lives. Thank you.
This non-joiner signed up immediately! And And yes, some of my knitting besties I met first on-line, so who knows where this can lead you…
Thanks for all you do for the knitting community. I signed up yesterday and am looking forward to another year with MDK.
Alrighty then. Signed up. Reminding myself that I Asked For This when I’m tempted by one too many new projects from you master enablers down in Nashville. Virtual events much appreciated; the iffy health of several dear ones locally means planning way ahead for things like Nash Fest just isn’t practical right now.
I haven’t joined quite yet, but now that I understand you are discontinuing Field Guides next year (except for the one already planned), that means I can use my yearly Field Guide budget for Membership. Honestly, I am disappointed about no more Field Guides. They are so clever and fun, but surely are costly to produce and mail. Will you be selling patterns? Or just promoting them via designers you work with? You have introduced me to a whole new world of contemporary knitting with your designer affiliations and I would miss that. (It has transformed me from being just an ol lady knitting to a designerly knitter my friends and family appreciate!) Okay, just talked myself into it. But I will still miss the Field Guides.
Garden Poet, we hear you! We love the Field Guides so much, but you guessed correctly that they are very costly to produce, more so with each passing year. But there is still Field Guide 29 to come….and we are definitely planning to fill the void very quickly with things to admire, knit, and enjoy.
I start off my day with MDK everyday! I am joining the MDK Society to keep the wonderful free content going. I buy so many knitting patterns that I will probably never knit to support the talented designers, and MDK deserves the same support!
I am thrilled to be a charter member of the MDK Society. In my opinion, everything to do with MDK and knitting is self-care for me and well worth the price for the wonderful daily reads where I learn about patterns, yarn, techniques, and other generally cool things from cool people. Not to mention the 10% discount, early access, the podcast, the knit nights. MDK and knitting just make my life more joyful. Happy to support!
It is my pleasure to support what is a daily touchstone and dose of sanity in my world. Such fun to look forward to the exciting new content you have planned for us!
Very excited to be a charter member of the MDK Society – signed up yesterday! Looking forward to all the fun!
I love what you’re doing! I joined the Society before even getting out of bed yesterday morning. The thought of not having MDK in my life gives me hot flashes.
I too thank you both for everything you do daily for the knitting community. Here’s to many more years!
Thank you Beth!
I’ve signed up! MDK is a little highlight every day for me. I’ve a full set of Field Guides, a treasure trove of inspiration. Earlier this year I had a fun time with the Crowberry sweater knit along, at a time when I was very much in need of good cheer. I’ve found that joining events / catching up from the UK works well, and ordering from MDK for delivery to here has gone smoothly.
I’m happy to be a part of this community.
Thank you MDK!
This is so good to hear, Sue. We do hold our breath for those international shipments! When we think about why we love doing MDK, it’s all about that need for good cheer—knitting is a crucial mood booster for us, too.
I appreciate your idea and the need for it!
I think a 15% discount is a lot more attractive than 10% if possible.
Unfortunately, there will be a quantity of folks who can’t afford $99 at once, what will happen to them? Will they be cut off completely?
We’re keeping daily publication, emails, and some Zooms available for free to the general public, as ever. The MDK Society will make it possible to keep content that costs a lot to produce available to all without a paywall.
Margins in the yarn world are quite slim after overhead, I’m afraid, so we are only able to offer bigger discounts under overstock/clearance situations. Small business life is a delicate balance!
I have only received information about three of your classes within the last few months. All were held on a weekday, during the workday. I do realize that recordings are available, however, I don’t always want to watch a recorded video. I can’t ask a question and I can only hope that somebody else asks my question during the live session. Will any classes be held virtually on weekends — outside of usual working hours? Limited PTO time makes live attendance pretty difficult.
Because we need staff to support the virtual classes, it will be rare that we have one outside of business hours, I’m afraid. One reason we often schedule them on Fridays starting at noon Eastern is the hope that that’s a good day of the week to take a couple of hours off mid-day (in the US) for a class.
I hear you about the questions, and of course we would try to help you get an answer after the class, but I know that’s not ideal either.
I’m all in! I think this is a great idea. MDK is important to so many people, and publishing is indeed a very expensive, usually low-profit business.
I especially like your note about employing and paying creative people for their work. I hope these memberships help with the balancing act.
I’m in. My procrastinating self will sign up one of these next few days, after I do something else. Must knit tiny cats!
Just signed up and appreciate all of your effort to keep this inspiration coming! MDK is a breath of fresh air in my day (and e- mailbox too!)
I decided to purchase a membership. It makes me more than 30 cents happy each morning to read your blog. So for 27 cents a day I’m in. Your endeavor is expensive to run – employees, lease, inventory, guest writers, publishing and more – I appreciate your vision, and am glad to support you.
Kay & Ann,
It is such a gift to be a part of the MDK community. I came upon MDK and Snippets during the pandemic and appreciate the connection and community created here. Through this connection I’ve explored Ravelry, podcasts and was launched into my “crazy knitting lady” phase. It opened up a whole new world of what knitting could be (and I’ve been knitting for 35 years)! Thank you for making this a fun and supportive place to hang out. I knit to de-stress, I knit to create, I knit to escape and it gives this introvert a whole lot to talk about. I’ve signed up and look forward to what the new year brings.
I’ll support you in your new approach; of course, I will! I’ve admired the both of you since you began collaborating way back when! Anyway, I know it is far too late to voice this opinion and have any effect, but I will say I would much prefer a benefit of free shipping over a 10% discount on a purchase, even if it meant a lesser financial advantage. Shipping costs change my mind on an online purchase more often than anything else! But, regardless, go you! Huzzah to creative thinking of all kinds! Thank you for the love and energy you contribute to the knitting community!
Joined! Because how can I not? When I discovered you all back in the day, it transformed my knitting and gave me a delightful read every morning. I do miss the March brackets though. Boy was that fun!
I am giving Jane a spin with Eweye. I love pieces with interesting construction. I would attach a picture of the progress but don’t know how
I am looking forward to the perks of being a charter member of the MDK society! I was looking for a way to support what you do. Shopping on your website is not realistic for physical items as I live in Canada.But I love your daily posts and am interested in your digital classes. I also think we all welcome the opportunity to connect with others these days. Thank you and Good luck!