Who Is Dr. Livingood?
Who is Dr. Livingood and what is his mission? In 2007 I’m in school getting my doctorate and my mom calls Your dad’s heart shut down, come home now. He might not make it. I watched my dad lose his biggest asset, his health. He had so much pain and inflammation that he lost his hearing, vision, and heart function. He couldn’t bike, fish, work, and I’d didn’t think he’d see me get married. I watched him go through the sick care system. 2 years go by and he’s on 15 medications, had multiple surgeries, and $200k in medical bills….and he’s getting worse. If all you do is wait for a diagnosis of sickness and disease and treat sickness and disease guess what you get? Sickness and disease. If you want health….and do the activities of building health, guess what you get…Health! So here’s what we learned….Your health is who’s responsibility? It’s yours. No one is coming for you. We had enough…. No more sick care. No more toxic drugs. No More side effects. No more just doing what insurance covers. No more food addiction. No more low energy. No more suffering. It was time to experience real health. And that’s when Dr. Livingood came to life. We developed real health solutions and In 90 days my dad got off all 15 meds, went Biking again, Fishing again….And he made it to my wedding. My dad got the chance to “LIVE GOOD” again. As for me? Here’s what I decided... I’m not going to be like other doctors. I’m not going to cover up the disease and ignore the real problem…which is lifestyle. Up to 98% of all disease is due to our lifestyle. If you can lifestyle your way into it, you can lifestyle your way out of it! Fix your focus. Focus on health care not sick care Fix your food. Fix Frame. Fix your fitness. You can do it in minutes a day Fix your filters….by detoxing your gut. Do what you know to do first and then spend money on expensive tests and doctors. You don’t need to be extreme, or have a degree, or be perfect…you just need to Make some time for health or disease will make time for you! My dad and over 25,000 others have experienced real health…… AND now it’s your turn…Anyone can do this. Disease is complicated... but health? Health is simple! You’re here for a reason...This isn’t luck or chance Right now it’s your time The people you love need you healthy. It’s time to live good and experience real health. Learn more about Dr. Livingood at: www.drlivingood.com