So, you’ve finally reached your goal size and gotten the stretched lobes of your dreams. For all your patience, now you get the reward… a chance to treat yourself to some cool new plugs! So today we’re going to take a moment to talk about plug styles, and the different ways you can wear each one.
Back to Basics
First you have your most basic styles – single flare and double flare. But you also have something in between, which is called a saddle plug. A saddle plug is thicker at the ends than at the center but doesn’t really have a defined lip at the ends like flared plugs. And then you also have dangle plugs, which have the pretty charm dangling from them hence the name.

Tunnel Plugs
These are the ones with the open centers (the “tunnel”) that you can look through. You can wear tunnel plugs on their own or you can wear them paired with hoop or dangle earrings. You can also (and should also) pair ear weights or ear hangers, which gives more support to the hangers and extra coolness for the tunnels.

Curved Tapers
Now, did you notice that it didn’t just say “tapers” there? Straight tapers are not jewelry and should never be worn as such. Curved tapers (also known as “pinchers”) and spiral curved tapers can be worn as jewelry. They both look super sweet.

Ring Stack
You don’t need a coin slot to rock this on-trend style! Ring stacking is simply wearing multiple pieces of circular jewelry in the same piercing. Mix up finishes and styles or go for a cohesive, matching look. Just remember to add up the gauge in millimeters of all the rings so you don’t accidentally change the gauge of your earlobes by stretching them or allowing them to shrink.
One Big Ring
Here’s another non-plug option. A large gauge hinged segment ring or captive bead ring! This look is starting to become a more commonly seen option, possibly because of how awesome it looks.

Stretching your earlobes is a lovely journey but the end result is so worth it! Now that you’ve finally reached your gauge, you’ve more than earned a little shopping. With so many styles available, how does one even begin to choose? Happy piercing!