Bronzed with Benefits
Introducing BB Air, our rewards program for those who can’t get enough of their Bali Body glow. Earn points with every purchase to unlock more exclusive rewards at each tier. BB Air members receive exclusive access to promotions, surprise freebies & more!

What you'll get

How it works
Create your account to become an exclusive member of BB Air.
Shop with Bali Body online & earn points with each purchase.
Receive your Bali Body Benefits including exclusive promotions, birthday rewards & more.
Ways to earn points


Welcome rewards
Exclusive promo access
Exchange points for rewards
Birthday rewards
15% friend referral discount
Free Bali Body gifts
Economy Class
0-99 points
Welcome rewards 20pts
Exclusive promo access
Exchange points for rewards
Birthday rewards 50pts
15% friend referral discount
Free Bali Body gifts
Business Class
100-249 points
Welcome rewards 20pts
Exclusive promo access
Exchange points for rewards
Birthday rewards 50pts
15% friend referral discount
Free Bali Body gifts
First Class
250-499 points
Welcome rewards 50pts
Exclusive promo access
Exchange points for rewards
Birthday rewards 50pts
15% friend referral discount
Free Bali Body gifts
Private Jet
500+ points
Welcome rewards 100pts
Exclusive promo access
Exchange points for rewards
Birthday rewards 50pts
15% friend referral discount
Free Bali Body gifts

Fly High & Save Big

Receive an exclusive discount when you join BB Air, upgrade flight classes & when you refer a friend.

Jet Setters Are Glow Getters

Get access to exclusive promotions at each tier with BB Air & surprise free gifts as you get upgraded.

Ways to redeem
Get more glow for less by using your points to redeem discounts. Choose your reward directly at checkout.
100 points
200 points
400 points
Ready to fly BB Air?
Sign up now & get immediate access to exclusive promotions & rewards.