Q: Do you ever get to a point where stretching your lobes is too much? Can it make them lose their shape permanently? I want to go bigger but I’m also scared of going too far. - Em
A: Yes, there is definitely a “point of no return” when it comes to stretching your lobes. After that point, your piercings will not shrink back to the same size as a “typical” earlobe piercing. If that happens and you wish to return to a 16-gauge or smaller hole or no hole at all, you will require the assistance of a plastic surgeon. There is no way of knowing what that size is for any given person, but most people report that somewhere between 6mm (2 gauge) and 10mm (00 gauge) is that mark. So, if you are uncertain and are very determined that your piercings shrink back down, it would probably be safest to stop around the 6mm mark. Best of luck!
Q: I’ve heard conflicting things about how often to clean my new piercing. Some people say every day, others say just a few times a week. What’s the best routine for healing without overdoing it? - Kiera
A: For non-oral piercings that are still healing, you should be cleaning it twice a day with sterile saline and then rinsing with fresh water. This is best done in the morning and again at bedtime. Oral piercings need to be cleaned inside your mouth as well and more frequently as you do things like eat or drink. Not cleaning your piercing can lead to a buildup of gunk that can be difficult to remove without irritating the piercing and can even help lead to an infection. This should continue for the entire healing process. Happy piercing!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!