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We’ve got an idea …” is a common phrase that pops up during our morning Zoom meetings—aka The Morning Latte—here at MDK.

As The Official MDK Doodle/Branding Person, there is nothing truly off limits—aside from the time we all collectively agreed that the MDK parking lot would, in fact, hold a small flock of sheep. “BUT IT COULD BE BRANDED,” we said, enthusiastically. Jots down note to circle back again in the Spring.

So when the idea of an intricately planned Lookbook featuring our newest yarn Jane and 15 garments to be sample knitted, styled, and photographed here at MDK HQ came along, obviously the answer was, “Yep—can someone pass the bacon?”

(Note: Ann is known to bring large slabs of crispy bacon to some of our Latte meetings and we All. Love. Bacon. Here.) 

There were questions: “Can it be a linkable lookbook? Can we include Jane yarn quantities for each garment? AND can we do this by the time we launch Jane? Wait… CAN SOMEONE HERE MODEL?” But we jumped into the first step.

Team MDK curates the plan. Like, really. We have spreadsheets and stuff here, plus meetings that involve calendars and coordinating. Surprisingly, none of these things are made of yarn.

Once the plan is initiated, a lot of other stuff that is “not in my department” happens. I assume from this side of the MDK yarn aisle that it has to do with some kind of wizardry and mathematics, but who am I to say?

Once approved and set in stone, the plan is passed to The MDK Art Department. 

The Art Department is a self-proclaimed group made of exactly two humans (one is me)* that sits atop the Mezzanine here at MDK Headquarters. It’s where Chris, MDK Art Department Photographer, has his House,” a meticulously curated set-up of “tools and photo stuff” that is equally as functional as it is fascinating. If he allows me to take a pic, it will be right here: 

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Once you leave Chris’s House, you’ll graze past The Craft Table. Be sure to flip through our stack of peeled-through sticker books and grab a handful of Cheez-Its. We keep a steady supply up here.

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Next, take a breather in Ashley’s realm, where you will often find me or the day-old cup of coffee I misplaced while taking a whiff of her latest Relaxation Station Essential Oil Blend and admiring the CSI evidence worthy vision board she crafted of Nash Yarn Fest.

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If you’ve managed to conquer the harsh winds of my nemesis above—The MDK Air Duct—you’ll find me at The Other Wing of the Mezzanine. 

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It’s me, my desk, hi. If anything looks important here, it is probably just an abundance of doodles. And more doodles

The Jane Lookbook. External Link. Opens in new window. was the first of many larger in-house projects here at MDK, so of course we wanted this one to be the one that launched us into future Lookbook glory—a stepping stone of inspiration to look back on when we begin the next one.

Since The Art Department is made up of two exhaustingly visual human beings, we communicate best with what some may refer to as The McDonald’s PlayPlace of Spreadsheets: Doodled thumbnails. 

. External Link. Opens in new window. . External Link. Opens in new window.

The thumbnails are used as a guide for several days of photoshoots, which then turn into hundreds of unedited, un-cropped photos.

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We select our favorites based on which images you would want to jump through your screen to grab. They are approved, edited, and the final phase begins: designing the Lookbook. 

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Aside from planning initial thumbnails, this is my other favorite part of the process—it’s like decorating a cake, but all computer-like. I drop photos into the Lookbook layout, crop, organize, label, and Tetris this masterpiece into a final draft. Click here. External Link. Opens in new window. to see the Jane Lookbook in all of her glory if you haven’t already. We had fun with this one.

We’re always cooking up something new (including our strangest Lil’ Smokies recipe suggestions) at Morning Latte, and if I can let you in on a tiny secret about our next Lookbook, it will be bursting with a color-happy yarn collaboration, plus a bounty of accessories to knit up and toss in your tote bag just in time for Nash Yarn Fest. External Link. Opens in new window..

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*An Update! We have a brand new Official Art Department Member—Emily!—who just finished her very first line of Nash Yarn Fest merch that I am self-titling SUPERCUTEBUTTONSANDSTUFF—thus taking the MDK Art Department Official Count up to three

You can find Emily’s desk directly across from mine with the latest fidget toy. External Link. Opens in new window. I’ve got my eyes on. Send Emily a warm hello, a cheesy motivational quote, or perhaps your wildest Lil’ Smokies combo in the comments below.

About The Author

Hannah joined the MDK team in December 2019. She is the resident MDK Doodler, Snippets curator, and will put an MDK logo on just about anything around here. And here’s Goldie too (yes, we named a Dishcloth Kit for her!). See what Hannah’s up to at External Link. Opens in new window..


  • !!!

  • It’s a glorious lookbook. I didn’t want it to end. Too many wonderful colors and patterns.

  • Great story!! Loved seeing behind the scenes!

    A huge welcome to Emily and a cheesy quote for her “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.”

    • This quote made me giggle so hard I snorted and cried.

  • The lookbook is amazing and congrats to all involved for not just succeeding but knocking it out of the park! I definitely want to reach in and make ALL of the patterns and get my hands on some of the Jane yarn. (We were in the Flaulkands last year and I loved the yarn I was able to buy…knitted the pressed flower cowl!) I’m looking for a project to take on a multi week trip to keep me busy but not too complicated and also not take up too much space….getting some ideas….thank you! (So sad to miss Nashfest)

  • MDK Headquarters must be THE most fun and creative place to work! Welcome, Emily!

  • Bacon! YES!! The BEST bacon ever is NUESKE’S. It smells like you’re frying it over a campfire. Heaven

    • I live very near to where Nueske’s is located in Wisconsin and bacon made!! You are right ~ it’s the best!!

  • Welcome, Emily! MDK sounds like the best work environment ever. Enjoy!

  • Is that a striped scarf you are wearing in the thumbnails section?
    Barbara B

  • The Jane Lookbook is amazing! Beautiful work, everyone!

  • Welcome Emily. Those Speks made me nervous like a sharp knife but they’re probably a lot of fun too.

    Thanks for the tour!

  • Great article!

  • 1. YES! Tracy Chapman! I’ve loved her music since she was singing in coffee houses in Cambridge, down the road from my grad school… (…fast car running through my head)

    2. What a fun job!!!! Oh how I envy you doing something artistic with your life. Wish I had had the courage and gumption to do what I wanted instead of what my parents told me I *should* do (and did) with my life. I finally came to art in my mid to late 40s….now mostly retired and late 60s. And yeah, sometimes the computer work is tedious (been there, do that), but at least it is art-related for both of us.

    3. NEW LOOKBOOK SOON! Hooray–and welcome Emily!

  • I do love the doodles. A bacon and cheezits workplace sounds lovely!

  • This was fun to read. The amount of work that goes into the Lookbook is amazing. I am in awe of your talents. Welcome to Emily! Can’t wait to see the next project.

  • Absolutely Love your “behind the scenes” pictures and narrative, letting us all not your MDK world. Thank you!

    • Ugh-“letting us all into your MDK world.” Typos and iPad keyboards…

  • I submit the classic lil smokies recipe: 2 pkgs lil smokiest, bottle of your favorite bbq sauce, small jar of grape jam. Heat it all up in a crock pot and enjoy!

  • Hannah, Love Love Love your article and the Lookbook makes my heart go pitter pat. So many wonderful photos and I love the fact that you are giving size and yarn requirements. You guys are the BEST.

  • Pass the CHEEZ-ITS, puhlease!

  • Thank you, Hannah, for the fun behind the scenes look at the MDK Art Department! Welcome Emily! I’m hoping there will be ample “merch” for those of us who can’t make it to the Nash Yarn Fest this year to also purchase…

  • Fun to read about the goings on there Hannah! I love your moody art work too.

  • Possibly the cheesiest motivational quote ever (I wanted to hit someone who said this to me once!): Teamwork makes the dream work. I was not motivated to make the dream work!

  • This story is an inside look at behind-the-scenes efforts to keep us knitters excited about our craft. It takes just as much work to create an online look-book as a physical magazine (as a retired graphic designer I know this firsthand). I have no idea the amount of effort involved in creating a line of yarn! It is also why our local yarn shops struggle to stay in biz & why many don’t last—selling yarn is only the tip of the iceberg, not a 9 to 5 job w/fierce competition. MDK has done an amazing job which translates into time consuming & costly. As a long time knitter, I appreciate & applaud their efforts.

  • I LOVE getting Snippets emails! It’s like a little surprise gift – I save reading it for a little “me” time. THANKS for that!

  • Hanna, your doodles remind me of the long-defunct J. Peterman catalog. And that’s a good thing!

  • This is my favorite smokies recipe. Actually it’s my only one, but it has both smokies and bacon! We make it every year for New Year’s Day. I share it in thanks for your hard work. External Link. Opens in new window.

  • Welcome, Emily! And thanks for the tour, Hannah. Would be dreamy to work there…

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