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I am doing a THING at Nash Yarn Fest. External Link. Opens in new window..  A joy producing thing. A PHOTO THING. I’m calling it Nash Yarn Fest Style:. External Link. Opens in new window. Strike a Pose.

It’s a photo booth with professional (as in “it makes you look fab”) lighting and a stylish background. I am making portraits of you in your knits* and having a glorious moment amongst our tribe. 

Pose alone, pose with a friend, pose with a posse. 

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If you don’t already know me: I am a professional commercial photographer with a niche in the handmade/wool/knitting industries. Look at my website. External Link. Opens in new’ll see wool in every shape and form. 

I revel in my very special niche. As a lifelong knitter and a photographer who’s passionate about narrative imagery, I am thrilled to make my living telling stories about yarns, wool, knits, sheep, goats, alpaca, weaving, dyers, crochet, felting, fabric, and everything from flocks in a field to models in fashion settings. 

Taking your picture is my love language. (Do you watch Shrinking. External Link. Opens in new window.? you know how if Liz gives you one of her rocks it means she really gets you? That’s me with a photo of you in your handmade.)

Seriously, though, it’s not about me. It is important to make these documents of who we are in this moment, to stop and get it down in pixels because we are here. Thanks to our phones, there are selfies and casual grab shots galore. There’s a level-up of specialness taking the time for the posed, composed, and lit photograph.

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To anyone who says they are not thin enough or coiffed enough or not moisturized and eye-lined enough to pose for a photo…I promise you, in a decade you’ll look back at your beautiful self and wonder how you ever found fault with that younger version. In other words, you are enough right now and let’s show it!

Sign up in advance to get your time slot. External Link. Opens in new window.. You will be AMAZED at how many poses I can get out of you in a sweet little window of time in front of the camera. 

You’ll immediately take a look at the images on a monitor and choose your fave. Following the event, I’ll custom edit and retouch the image.  It will  be delivered to you via email about 10 days later. 

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I am hoping to fill all the time slots in advance. Don’t sleep on this! Walk-ups only if there’s an open slot and you happen to catch me.

I can’t wait. 

*By “in your knits”  I really mean whatever you want to flaunt, be it knit, woven, crocheted, still in the form of skeins, sewn, embroidered, quilted … or just your smile.

Want to catch up on all that’s going on at MDK? Our homepage provides a good overview.

About The Author

With a degree in photojournalism from the University of Minnesota, Gale Zucker. External Link. Opens in new window. has made a career of capturing the humanity and humor in the people and places that are her subjects.


  • I just peeked at your website — WOWZER! Great, great, great photos. I wish I were able to come for Nash Fest for many reasons, but this just became my number one reason why I’m sad I can’t be there. Thanks for taking such beautiful shots — each one tells a story, sure, but such a full, rich, enchanting story. This is such a great thing.

    • Thank you!! you get me 🙂

    • One hundred percent agree – gorgeous photos and unbelievable work!!!!

      I live in CT and wish I could go to the Nash Fest as well!!!

      • Thank you! I am forward to heading south for it, I have to admit being out of CT for a few days will feel great (not to mention surrounded by yarn and makers!)

  • Wah!!!! Another reason for which I am sad not to be able to go to Yarn Fest.

  • Thank you! What a fun inspiring way to start the week! Not gonna get to Nash for the Fest either, but this is a great side trip.

  • Wish I could join you for this but… wrong hemisphere and wrong season. Looks like fun!

  • So excited! I just signed up for a spot!

    • yayyy! Looking forward to shooting you!

  • Wow you capture each person in their moment. Love your website

    • Thank you!

  • Just want to say that in your “headshot” you have the warmest smile. It immediately makes me want to chat with you. I won’t be at NashYarnFest, but if I were, I’d look forward to meeting you.

    • Thanks—credit to a talented colleague- we did a headshot trade . I didn’t know him well so it was a good experience for me to be the subject that side of the camera!

  • What a great idea! If I were going to Nash Fest I’d sign up for this in a nanosecond.

  • I LOVE your website! You bring out the best in everyone. I hope you are there next year, when I plan on attending.

    • Thanks! I’m looking forward to this year’s photo shenanigans and see how it goes!

  • I think what you are doing with photography is incredible! Thank you! Of course, I want to know what design these beautiful people are wearing…. Like in the red carpet photos as the Oscars, etc. Oh, to be there in person and watch you in action! Have a blast!

  • Hi Gale, I love how you capture the beauty and joy of wearing our hand knits. You should be at every yarn festival in my opinion.

    • I completely agree! Crossing my fingers that Gale does this again at an event I can attend.

    • Robin I like the way you think 🙂 ,thank you!
      Making photographs at yarn festivals is A LOT of fun and I have no objections to your assertion.

  • Did the woman in the brown/white/grey yoked sweater dye her hair to match? That is a glorious photograph.

    I haven’t decided if I’m coming to Nash Fest or not, but if so will definitely search out your booth.

    I’m also sending this to my daughter who is a budding photographer to let her know that she need not confine herself to weddings.

    • Love your comments,thank you !
      The woman with the beautiful hair/sweater combo is designer Julia Farwell-Clay in one of her own a designs .

      • What a fun thing to do! I wish I could be there for it. And what is the name of the sweater with diamonds in the yoke worn by the woman with blowing streaked hair? I love it.

        • It’s a sweater design by Julia Farwell-Clay and that’s her with the blowing hair in the photo! You can find her designs on Ravelry.

  • Your work is fabulous! And so are the knits in the photos!! Wish I could join the fun…

  • Oh my gosh, I LOVE the photos on your website!!!

  • FAN-tastic! And yes, we are “Shrinking” lovers and can’t wait for Season 3.

    • Hated the season to end- such excellent characters!

  • This is awesome idea. I hope you go viral so I see you at a yarn festival in ohio. I would definately love a photo with my girls.

    • It would be very fun and a little crazy to take this all over!! We’ll see how it goes….I mean i wouldn’t say no !

  • Cool!

  • I’m so excited! I just signed up for a spot. I can’t wait.

    • Thank you! See
      you there !

  • Love this work you do soooo much! Everyone should do this sometime. So sad I won’t be at Nashville! But I think these Knit Portraits are an important thing.

  • Having a mild heart attack over the multicolored stripey short-sleeved number sported by the adorable young girl! Can you point me to the design please?

    • it is pretty wonderful isn’t it??!! I am going to have to do some detective work and get back to you!

  • I love what you say about looking back a decade later at photos you used to criticize and realizing you were beautiful. And you—we—still are!

  • Let the poser (in a good way) in the second photo – brights (red, orange, grey, teal etc) know that her colour combination is fabulous, and to scheme and imitate!
    Also, the last photo – a multicolored scarf with brights if mid-blue and orange, she is wearing a mid-blue top – absolutely fabulous colours.
    What a credit to them both.

  • Lucky Nash Yarn Fest attendees, they get to meet you and get a fabulous portrait! So much fun! Have a blast!

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