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Welcoming speeches. Moderator: Dārta Pelse, Policy analyst in migration and integration, Providus


Keynote speech: ‘Cities at the heart of inclusion: leading the way in refugee and migrant Integration’. Angélique Petrits, Policy Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission.


1st session: newest institutional and legislative developments in integration area: where do we stand? Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR


2nd session: changing roles of towns and cities in refugee and migrant integration. Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR


Presentation of timeline and framework of the Academy, Alice Szczepanikova, ODIHR

Launch event of Academy on the integration of migrants and refugees in the Baltic countries
On 12 March, a new inter-agency initiative ‘Academy on the integration of migrants and refugees in the Baltic countries 2025-2026’ is launched for city administrations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Follow the event 13-17 Latvian time (12-16 CET, 11-15 GMT), program below. Developed by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Council of Europe Intercultural Cities (CoE ICC) Programme, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and delivered in partnership with the Latvian public policy think-tank Providus, the training programme aims to prepare officials to work with newcomers and address the challenges they may face during the welcoming process. AGENDA 13:00-13:30 Welcoming speeches. Moderator: Dārta Pelse, Policy analyst in migration and integration, Providus
  • Linda Ozola, Deputy Chairman of the Riga City Council
  • Agnese Lāce, Minister of Culture of Latvia
  • Julia Gebhard, Deputy Head of Democratization Department, The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
  • Thorsten Afflerbach, Head of Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division, Anti-discrimination Department, Council of Europe
  • Dace Meilija, Government Liaison Officer, UNHCR
13:30-14:00 Keynote speech: ‘Cities at the heart of inclusion: leading the way in refugee and migrant Integration’. Angélique Petrits, Policy Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission. 14:00-15:00 1st session: newest institutional and legislative developments in integration area: where do we stand? Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR
  • Keit Spiegel, Head of Cultural Diversity Department, Ministry of Culture, Estonia
  • Signe Grūbe, Advisor to the Minister of Culture, Latvia
  • Laura Perevičiūtė, Head of Foreigners integration unit at Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
15:30-17:00 2nd session: changing roles of towns and cities in refugee and migrant integration. Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR
  • Janika Hango, Head of Adaptation and Integration, Municipality of Tartu, Estonia
  • Inga Vismantienė, Vice mayor of Akmenė District Municipality, Lithuania
  • Iryna Hubarchuk, Coordinator of Ukrainian refugees in Ventspils Municipality, Latvia
  • Dārta Pelse, Policy analyst in migration and integration, Providus
  • Małgorzata Zmysłowska, Inspector for Equal Treatment, Office of Public Participation, City of Lublin, Poland (Polish Academy alumni)
  • Albert Miściorak, Intercultural Dialogue team of the Wroclaw Center for Social Development, Poland (Polish Academy alumni)
17:00-17:30 - Presentation of timeline and framework of the Academy, Alice Szczepanikova, ODIHR
  • Final plenary discussion and closing, Alice Szczepanikova, ODIHR

Welcoming speeches. Moderator: Dārta Pelse, Policy analyst in migration and integration, Providus


Keynote speech: ‘Cities at the heart of inclusion: leading the way in refugee and migrant Integration’. Angélique Petrits, Policy Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission.


1st session: newest institutional and legislative developments in integration area: where do we stand? Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR


2nd session: changing roles of towns and cities in refugee and migrant integration. Moderator: Dace Meilija, UNHCR


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Domnīca Providus

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