Katarina S.
The best swaddle there is!
Earl R.
Gift for first grandchild, not to be born for 3 more months. It was received with enthusiasm and we are sure it will be perfect
Leah E.
Great product! Daughter loves it
Nohelia A.
I love nested bean I used it for my first born and now 4 1/2 years later I’m using it for my NB
Dana H.
Newborn sleeps several hours in this sleep swaddle.
Worth every penny.
Sandra S.
Was just telling a friend how much we have loved using this swaddle with baby #1 and again for baby #2! It's so easy to put on and take off. The beans are the perfect amount of weight. I love missing my babies to sleep so I just tuck their feet in but leave the top open. Once I've transferred baby onto their back on the mattress I tuck their arms in without them waking up because it's so easy. This swaddle has been a stress, nerves, and time saver for me. It allows me to put babe to bed and go get the house cleaned up before I join back up with them in the bedroom. Ours has held up great. After 3.5 years the Velcro is still in great condition! Highly recommend.
Janelle W.
My son had a difficult time staying asleep because he’s such a wiggly worm. This helps him sleep through the night 5-9 hours at a time. I believe the little weighted areas make him believe I’m holding him. And it’s so easy to figured out. And love all the different ways that you can use the swaddle.
Sammi J.
We were so excited to try this! We read so many great reviews and hopped it would help. We finally received it in the mail and unfortunately, our baby girl is not a fan.
Kristen M.
The only thing that works for my twins who prefer sleeping on mom or dad! The beans make them feel like they are being held and they sleep perfectly in their own bassinets.
Lisa L.
Gifted this to an expecting mama because we loved ours so much as new parents.
It’s a nice swaddle. It put my son to sleep quickly. However he loves to move his arms and keeps busting out of it, he gets his arm out from under the wrap no matter what and the swaddle just… undoes itself. I wish it was designed similar to the Halo sleep sacks where they wear it to prevent that. Also the lack of zipper on the sack portion is a little annoying for diaper changes.
Virginia L.
My son (2 months in the pic) sleeps much better in this swaddle than the one from Halo and his swaddle blankets! It's great quality and sturdy fabric. The first day I got it I immediately washed it, dried it then put it on him. He went to sleep quickly, then peed through his fresh diaper for no reason and got it all on the swaddle! So I had to rewash it the first day a SECOND time. Second night with it he slept with it on and practically went to sleep on his own. He's slept in it every night sense then, and I can't go back! I can't believe that I haven't heard of this swaddle before last month, it's saving our hides a ton of sleep! Thank you, Nested Bean! <3
Hope M.
I received one as a baby gift when i had my son it was the best wrap, now i buy one everytime someone is having a baby.
Mandy W.
We love nestedbean. Helps our baby get a good nights sleep
Stephanie H.
Really no difference than a halo swaddle.
Lorena C.
I’m on my second child and I used nested bean with my first and this product is the best and holds the baby really well
Have not used it yet but I am very excited to see how it works
Brianna L.
I love the swaddle, keeps baby snug! The only thing is, I have had if for 2 weeks and already getting a hole by the velcro, material is thin by velcro.
Brooke M.
We love this swaddle! It’s very soft and the weighted-ness of is not heavy at all. Our 2 month old loves it and takes longer naps during the day and will have 5-6 hr sleep stretches at night (vs 2-3). The only reason i am giving 4/5 stars is because he kicks a lot and actually will pull down the weighted part of the swaddle. Maybe if there was a zipper of some sort that would be great!
Maina G.
Baby sleeps like a charm with this. Absolutely love it!
Emma W.
Amazing swaddle recommended to me by our night nurse, who has used this with lots of babies. This worked so well for my newborn when he was small and was really comforting to him. He did start to bust out of the Velcro once he got a bit bigger and stronger - but think this is quite unusual and only happens with swaddle fighters! Would highly recommend. Also think this company’s customer service and returns policy is fantastic.
Meagan S.
Baby definitely likes it, but it’s not very easy to get them wrapped up quickly and the velcro doesn’t always want to lay flat.
Our 8 week old was waking up every 1 to 2 hrs and was difficult to transition from being held to his bassinet. After a few nights of wear, he is sleeping 3 to 4 hrs at a time and is able to transfer to the bassinet without a fuss.
Vanessa D.
I had thrifted this sleep sack not knowing the brand or even how to use it. We used it one night on our newborn and she had the best sleep of her life- which gave us sleep! We loved it so much we had to get a backup for those just-in-case blowout moments. Our now 7 week old sleeps 7+ hours through the night!
Megan G.
I’ve been using for a few weeks now in hopes it would make a difference. My little one just needs mama’s real touch and hold apparently. While the idea and design is solid, it just didn’t “work” for us. I absolutely love the quality of these swaddles/sleep sacks though. The material is very nice and well made. It was worth the money just for the quality of the product. Overall we will still use, but it did not produce “better” sleep/naps.
Kelly O.
I was one of those people who was hesitant to purchase one of these swaddles, but I’m so glad I did. Night one my son slept for 5 hours! I was getting anywhere from 30 minutes to maybe an hour and a half in between my son waking. We are over a week in and my son is consistently sleeping at least 3 hours now in between at 6 weeks old. I am grateful to have found these swaddles and for an affordable price!
Another great swaddle and i love that it has the pouch for when baby is smaller! We will definitely be keeping this to use with our next babe!
Brenda P.
Ever since my babies were 5 months they used a sleep sack, can't sleep without it! We've gifted these to our friends and they've all said it's made such a huge difference at night with their littles!
Marissa R.
My 2 month old was waking every 2-3 hours but on the first night with the Zen Swaddle he slept 6 hours straight!
Cody B.
Our daughter had an extremely difficult time sleeping unless she was being held. My wife and I literally slept in shifts so that one of us could be awake and holding our daughter every time she slept until we found this. The gentle pressure on her chest perfectly simulated the sense of closeness she needed to stay asleep (like a hand on her chest). We immediately bought a spare and eventually bought an older size when she grew out of this one.
Leah H.
Baby sleeps great in this swaddle. However, with as much as they cost I would expect the material to not rip after 1 months use.
Excellent sleep sack/swaddle. Allows for tight or looser swaddle. Baby will sleep long stretches.
Angela L.
I was skeptical that our baby P would like being swaddled. Her big sister was not a fan and we lost many nights of sleep. The slight weighted feeling of the classic has been wonderful. We went from waking every 2 hours to sleeping almost 4-5 hours a night. I am one pleased mamma and can’t wait to try other products as baby P grows up. Thank you Nested Bean.
I was skeptical because my first child didn’t like to be swaddled… but the second child can’t sleep without her nested bean swaddler.
Daniel G.
My son loves this sleep sack. It has absolutely assisted in providing him with comfort that allows our family as a whole to have a better night's sleep.
Crystal Z.
My son is still getting used to it but he did seem to fall asleep faster the times I have used it.
Kaitlyn U.
I love this sack. We started using it at 5 weeks and my daughter started giving us 6-7 hour stretches. I plan to use the transition swaddle/sack in a couple of months because of how much success we’ve had with this one!
Have to pay return shipping and my baby didnt like it
Payge H.
I really wanted this to work for us, but it didn't. The first night I put it on her she slept great in her bassinet so I was getting excited. After the first night, her sleep went right back to being the same and she couldn't stand her arms being swaddled. We kept trying it for awhile, but still the same outcome. I was hoping this was going to work for us. They are very nice swaddles and hold up well though!
Leslie S.
It hasn’t helped with naps at all. His night time sleep has been pretty good prior to the nest. It may have helped about an hour… but that could also be because he is getting older. So it is hard to say.
Ashley G.
My baby personally did not like it.
Lola C.
My little one LOVES her new swaddle. She is two weeks old and was used to sleeping on my chest or in my arms. This swaddle helps us to get a few things done around the house (or nap!) and helps baby girl to feel cuddled.
The first time my baby slept an 8 hour stretch she was in this swaddle!!! I’m not sure if it was this or a combo of some other things (scheduling, etc.) but we’ve definitely had better sleep since we’ve gotten this swaddle. Would recommend giving it a shot!
Sara S.
My 6 week old loves this swaddle, it’s not too hot or cold and snugs him just right.
noelle g.
I had to buy three more for future gifts. I bought this for the first time three years ago when my first grandson was born. He started using it on day five and even though it he was breast/bottle fed he slept most of the night. Even a few months later people were surprised that you could put him to bed at 7pm and he would sleep until 7am with just one wakeup. He got used to having his nightly bath, then get snuggled in his swaddle. I wish I had this amazing product when my children were younger. Make sure to buy more than one!!
Amanda R.
My ONE WEEK old sleeps for a full 5 hours wrapped up this. Don’t think about it GET IT!!!
Renate S.
My grandson just loves these! He’s able to be securely tucked in, but at the same time, he’s able to wiggle his feet and arms, which he really likes to do!
Adrienne B.
It works great, but the velcro is loud in the night and startles the baby.
Margarita B.
The best comforting swaddle for the newborn
Stefanie L.
It’s soft, it’s smooth, it holds well. My 2.5 month old soothes well in it.
Alexa M.
This swaddle works very well, and I was happy with my purchase until the Velcro stopped working after only four weeks of using it.
Josie H.
We love our nested bean sleep bag! It instantly calms my newborn and allows him to sleep with his arms out. There is plenty of room to grow and I love the adjustable shoulder straps. Will definitely be trying out more of their products.
Tammy C.
We love the Bean! It gives our daughter the comfort and security she needs at night.
Jessica H.
The only swaddle our daughter falls asleep with, and can’t break out of!
Holly H.
Works perfectly for my 2 month old. She's a wiggler and breaks out of traditional blanket swaddles but loves to be swaddled! So the velcro straps help out a ton to keep her nice and snug but still happy to freely move her arms in the wrap. I've bought 2 more!
Thea R.
The velcro is very sticky which is great. After a few weeks of use the velcro on the right side got a tear in it. Customer service was great and sent me a replacement one for for free. My main complaint is after my baby was 6 weeks old his tiny hand could pop out from under the swaddle part (above the leg area). I wish they had more color options too. I recommend future iterations have a larger velcro in the right side to prevent tearing. The weight on the front is comforting to my baby. Overall, i would recommend.
Kimberly M.
baby used for a few days and now is sleeping in six hr blocks at night! this thing is WONDERFUL!
Must try for all!
Trudy M.
We received this swaddle as a Baby Shower gift. It was the BEST gift, giving us a couple hours of sleep that first week home from the hospital. We bought a second so we'd never be without!
Ellie B.
We love this weighted swaddle. It is the only swaddle that our daughter would sleep in for the first few weeks and enabled us to get 3 hour stretches of sleep!
Janice G.
Bought it as a gift. The baby loves it and so do the new parents!
Anastasia D.
This swaddle works great. The only reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because there is no way to check the diaper without undoing the entire thing. We usually use this swaddle when the baby is very fussy so having to undo it to check is a pain.
Matt F.
This is quite possibly the best swaddle out there. It takes all of the hassle out of wrapping your baby up and swaddles them tight for a great night of sleep! The additionally weights are a great touch too! My wife and I can’t recommend enough.
I ordered the Swaddles for my Great Grandson. I love them, can't wait for his arrival.
Paige K.
My twins LOVE these swaddles! They are our favorites and we will definitely be getting the sleep sacks once they get bigger!
Rita K.
Swaddle is cute and my daughter loves it. She is due with first baby in the Fall, so we haven't used it yet. Can't wait!!
Aubrey W.
We were given one of these as a gift with our first child. It really seemed to help so we ordered this one for our son. So far it’s working very well. I even ordered a different style to see how it works.
Krystle G.
We love this swaddle so far! We went from not being able to sleep alone to him sleeping in the bassinet by himself every night! Glad it works!
Carly M.
Super easy to use and soothes my 6 week old better than other swaddles.
Laura P.
Love this swaddle and helps our baby feel secure while sleeping. He has reflux and this seems to help him get better quality sleep despite being uncomfortable
Christine M.
The face of a well rested happy morning baby! My son is 8 weeks old and never slept more than 3 hour stretches even swaddled every night. We are five nights in with our zen swaddle and he has slept 4-5 hour stretches every night! It’s been amazing. My husband woke up the first morning and said go buy two more
Brittany O.
LOVE this swaddle! I needed something because the swaddle blanket we found at a second hand store had got too small. We had better sleep immediately and more solid sleep on night 2 and 3! So impressed. Didn't like the NEO but LOVE this swaddle. It provides velcro instead of a zipper.. (Which sounds convenient but my 4 month old didn't like it) and a tighter swaddle and the weight over the chest and built into the arms isnt heavy like I thought its light enough that babies don't feel too hot or sweaty when waking up. Which can be a huge factor in SIDS! 10 out of 10 would buy again! The fabric is light AND machine washable! You can even tumble dry low!! He was waking every 20 mins during nap times instead of 1-2 hours while we waited so THANK GOD for their fast and free shipping!!
Rebecca R.
My twins were born at 27 weeks and spent 115 days in the NICU. Once home we were using the Halo sleep sack swaddles that the girls used in the NICU, but I kept wishing we had something more. During their time in the NICU, a therapeutic weighted bean bag froggy would be used for positioning and comfort. I wished we had one at home. I then found these Nested Bean weighted sleep sack swaddles. They have been phenomenal! As soon as I put the girls in them, I can instantly see their relief and comfort. The weight is the ever so slight extra bit of comfort they are used to that really helps them feel soothed. These are a must have for any fellow NICU babies!
Erin B.
I am not usually one to “swear by” baby items but this one has truly worked wonders for our newborn! She’s about a month old and the first night we put her in it she went from sleeping 2-3 hour stretches to 5 hours. And has consistently been sleeping that long since. We appreciate the ability to order it in different warmths depending on the season! Super affordable as compared to other swaddles too. Love it!
Valentina V.
4 week old slept 5 straight hours the first time we used this swaddle! Now she cries until I put it on!!
Brianna S.
The nested bean was super helpful. I bought ours when baby was 2 weeks old. Within a few days he was already sleeping longer stretches at night 5-6 hours he’s now 6 weeks old and he sleeps totally through the night! He loves to be swaddled and placed into his bassinet as his bedtime routine and he stays resting well. We’re getting 8-10 hours at night now!
Alia K.
Fits so nicely. Such nice fabric.
Sherry M.
Well put together. Works well for my grandson
Jeannine M.
We love the Zen Classic Swaddle! We’ve been using it for the past 2 months and have tested it against other popular swaddles. Our son sleeps the best (and stays asleep) with the Zen swaddle. It’s magical. The only thing is that I wish it was longer. My son is in the 90th percentile for height and has already outgrown it at 3.5 months, but this is labeled as 0-6M.
Liana C.
LO loves it, is sleeping longer stretches every night!
Christina Brooke H.
This swaddle is so helpful and calming for my friends baby.
Kayley G.
Helped my Nicu baby sleep so good once we brought him home!!
Brandon R.
If you have a baby with strong arms, they will be able to break out of this swaddle with ease.
Madison c.
My first baby had a hard time sleeping and we didn’t discover these until he was 4 months, I instantly became obsessed! The only way he would sleep if we set him down in his crib. Now that we have an infant I bought the swaddle knowing how much we loved the sleep sac. My 2 week old sleeps a solid 3.5 hour stretches at night and barely stirs. I also love the weight added on the arms as it keeps her from jolting herself awake. I’ll forever purchase this product as she grows and for future babies. Can’t recommend this enough!
Samantha H.
These swaddles were an absolute game changer! We got the regular swaddles and the zen one when he was 12 weeks old. He went from waking up every 2-3 hours and being a very loud and fussy sleeper so calm and 4-6 hrs of straight sleep. I suggest them to every new/expecting mom I know.
Amberlee L.
Love the swaddle. My baby sleeps really well in it.
Elaine R.
Love this swaddle. Not sure if it drastically improved my babies sleep but I do like using this over a swaddle blanket! One thing I learned is to swaddle about straight across for it to stay snug. There hands can move a bit but their arms stay pretty snug! It works great!!
Elizabeth C.
The Zen Swaddle has been a game changer! We were never successful with getting our newborn to sleep in his crib. He had to be in our arms, on us, or in a rock-n-play sleeper to sleep. As soon as the Zen Sleeper got delivered. I washed it then tried it immediately. A week now with it and he sleeps in his crib every night!! 3-5hr stretches at that! He is only 6 weeks old!
Ginger M.
Life saver for sleep for a squirmy baby with busy hands and arms. There is no deep sleeping in our house without it. About to transition to zen sac. I hope it works as well.
Brittany S.
This has been a lifesaver! My child would not sleep alone and I tried other swaddles. Nothing worked until I took a chance with nested bean and I’m so glad I did! The first night I put it on, my baby slept sound and snug. I would definitely recommend this!
Daria P.
Really soft but my baby doesn't really like to sleep in it. We will try again maybe he gets used to it.
Kaylene R.
This is by far my favorite swaddle I've used for my babies. The material and functionality is so much better than other brands I've used. I love how long it is so it can be used up to 6 months, but still has a little pouch inside for newborns. The Velcro was really strong at first, so it was loud and difficult for the first few uses, but now it is perfect. I love the weighted tummy and sides as well. It's so snug and comfy for my little one!
The end of the velcro peace is curling up/ not laying flat (probably uncomfortable to lay on all night)
Contacted the company more than a week ago for refund or exchange for sleeper with zipper and still havent gotten an email back!
((I didnt realize you have to fully unswaddle to change diaper which is a pain at night))
((And when doing so the velcro makes a really loud noise waking baby))
Kelli K.
This is by far the best swaddle we've tried! My 2 month old doesn't like to be swaddled but he has bad startle reflex so he can't sleep without being swaddle. He use to bust out of or creep his hands up in all the other swaddles, but not this one. It's also lightweight and comfortable so he doesn't over-heat. I highly recommend it.
Ashley D.
I like this swaddle but ny chunky boy doesn't fit very well into the pocket anymore. He is now 3 months old. A couple times I've had problems with the swaddle riding up and rubbing his chin or bunching up around his mouth. This worries me so now I swaddle with his arms out. I also don't find the velcro to be sticking very well, its hard to get a good snug swaddle. Like the patch and the velcro don't always line up that great. I personally wouldn't buy this again for full price.
Alysha F.
Perfect swaddle! I only wish my son would have wanted to be swaddled longer. He was so cozy in it. And slept very well in it.
Aislyn M.
The fabric is nice but I can’t say it did anything to help my baby sleep longer.
Mary S.
Worked wonderfully with my three kids till they were toddlers. I now make sure to gift it to all my pregnant mother friends.
Karlee W.
Our baby loves this swaddle. Falls asleep so much easier and faster.
Tamara W.
I love this swaddle! It’s so easy to use, and my daughter loves it.