How To Build Muscle At Home

How To Build Muscle At Home

As a trainer and nutrition coach, one of the most common questions I get asked is, "Can I really build muscle without a gym?" 

The answer is yes! Not only is it possible, but I've seen hundreds of people transform their bodies right in their living rooms. 

Today, I'm going to show you exactly how to do it...

As long as you're staying on track with what you need to do to build muscle, you can make it work.

In This Article:

• The Science Behind Building Muscle (Yes, It Works at Home!)
• Essential Exercises for Each Muscle Group
• Complete Workout Program (With & Without Equipment)
• Muscle Growth at Home: Seeing the Best Results

The Science of Building Muscle at Home

Before we dive into specific workouts, let's talk about something really important. Your muscles don't actually know if you're in a gym or your living room! What they respond to is mechanical tension and progressive overload.

Here's what the body needs to grow new muscle (if we're keeping things simple):

• Progressive overload (gradually increasing challenge)
• Adequate protein and calorie intake
• Strategic recovery periods

Basically, as long as you're continually challenging your muscles, getting the right fuel, and allowing enough time to recover ... It doesn't matter where you train. Now, can having access to the right equipment help? It sure can. 

At some point, you may need to get equipment to keep progressing. However, in the beginning of your journey, building muscle at home can be easier than you may think.

Essential Home Exercises for Every Muscle Group

Let's start with some foundational exercises you can do. These are the exercises that give you the most bang for your buck when training at home.


Research shows that a properly performed push-up can activate just as much chest muscle as a bench press! But here's the key: form matters more than numbers.

Perfect Your Push-Up:

1. Start in a high-plank position with your wrists under shoulders.

2. Keep your core braced and engaged.

3. Slowly lower your upper body toward the floor by bending at your elbows. Keep going until your arms form a 90-degree angle.

4. Push through your chest and triceps to return to the starting position. Repeat for reps.

Quick Tip: If you're new to push-ups, start with an elevated surface like your kitchen counter. As you get stronger, gradually lower the height until you're doing them on the floor. Progress is progress!

Bodyweight Squat

You might be thinking... "Can bodyweight squats really build muscle?" The answer is absolutely!

Perfect Your Squat Form:

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. You can also flare your feet out to the side if you find this to be more comfortable.

2. Keep your chest up and core braced.

3. Lower your body by bending at your knees and sinking into your hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

4. Drive through both feet to stand upright once again. Repeat for reps.

Pro Tip: I have my clients practice these in front of a mirror first. It can make a big difference in your form by evaluating how your body moves.


Rows are a great exercise that you can do with quite a few things around the house for weight. This could be water jugs, dumbbells if you have them, or even a backpack full of books. Grab both handles and get ready to work your back!

Perfect Your Rows:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, both weights in hand.

2. Hinge forward at your hips and bend your knees slightly to bring your upper body near parallel to the ground. Keep your head and neck in line with your spine and brace your core. Keep your arms straight, letting the weight hang out in front of you.

3. Start by drawing your elbows back to bring the weight to your upper abdomen/right below your chest. Squeeze your back muscles.

4. Slowly lower the weight by allowing your arms to straighten back out in front of you. Repeat this for reps.

Plank Variations

Here's something most people don't realize. A strong core isn't just about aesthetics, it's crucial for every other exercise you'll do!

Essential Plank Work:

• Standard Planks (30-60 second holds). You can do this in a high plank with your arms straight or on your elbows/forearms for more of a challenge.

• Side planks for obliques. Start in a normal plank and rotate your body out to one side, stacking your leg on the other. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

• Plank reaches for stability. This is a normal plank where you alternate reaching out in front of your body with one arm at a time for an extra challenge.

Bulgarian Split Squats

This is one of my favorite exercises because it builds strength and balance in your legs. It can also help with fixing any potential muscle imbalances you may have between your legs.

Perfect Your Split Squats:

1. Find a stable surface at roughly a couch or chair height. This is what you will rest your back foot on.

2. Keep your front foot a foot or two in front of the fixed surface and bring the top of your back foot to rest on the surface behind you. Your back knee should be pointed toward the floor.

3. Lower into your front leg until your back knee nearly touches the floor.

4. Drive through your front foot to stand up again. Make sure to keep your core braced and your chest high throughout the exercise. Do a set number of reps with each leg.

Adding Equipment: Simple Tools, Better Results

If you have access to just a few dumbbells, you can do a lot more, even at home. It can also add an extra element of challenge to take your results to the next level. So, I would highly encourage it. Here's an at-home workout program you can try out with or without dumbbells.

I made this program with the assumption that you are newer to training. If you think it's too easy, feel free to add additional sets where you need it!

Phormula-1 Clear: Clear Whey Protein Isolate

At-Home Workout Program

Monday - Upper Body + Core

No-Equipment Exercise Dumbbell Exercise Sets Reps
Push-Ups Dumbbell Chest Press 3 8-12
Pike Push-Ups Standing Shoulder Press 3 8-12
Bent Over Rows (Backpack) Bent-Over Rows 3 10-15
Tricep Dips Lateral Raises 3 8-12
Plank Hold Plank with Shoulder Taps 3 30-45 Seconds

Tuesday - Lower Body

No-Equipment Exercise Dumbbell Exercise Sets Reps
Bodyweight Squats Goblet Squats 4 15-20
Bulgarian Split Squats Romanian Deadlifts 3 12-15 (Each Leg)
Glute Bridges Dumbbell Lunges 4 16-20 (Total)
Calf Raises Weighted Calf Raises 4 20-25

Wednesday - Active Recovery

Get 20-30 minutes of light cardio or walking, with 5-10 minutes of stretching or mobility work for both your upper and lower body.

Thursday - Upper Body

No-Equipment Exercise Dumbbell Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Push-Ups Incline Dumbbell Press 4 10-12
Tricep Dips Dumbbell Rows 3 12 (Each Arm)
Table Rows Tricep Extensions 4 12-15
Backpack Curls Bicep curls 2 12-15
Unweighted Reverse Fly Reverse Fly 2 To Failure

Friday - Lower Body + Core

No-Equipment Exercise Dumbbell Exercise Sets Reps
Walking Lunges Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts 4 12 (Each Leg)
Jump Squats Dumbbell Front Squat 3 10-15
Glute Bridges Weighted Glute Bridges 4 12-15
Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers 4 30-60 Seconds

Weekend: Rest & Active Recovery

Make sure to give your body time to rest and recover! It's outside of your workouts when your body is able to repair and grow new muscle.

Muscle Growth at Home: Seeing the Best Results

I sound like a broken record sometimes, but it's true. You can't out-train a poor diet! For building muscle at home, and even at the gym, the same rules apply.

On top of that, your workouts have to progress over time. By that, I mean to continue building muscle at home, the workouts need to get more difficult. This is what I was referring to when I mentioned "progressive overload". Think of it as giving your body more work to do over time.

Obviously, earning great results can be tricky. It can also be overwhelming. You have to factor in nutrition, recovery, progressive overload, and more!

That's why I wanted to let you know that we're here to help. At 1st Phorm, our mission is to help real people like you and me earn real and long-term results. In fact, that's why we developed the best tool to help you reach your goals called the 1st Phorm App.

The 1st Phorm App simplifies the process of earning results so you can focus on what matters most: putting in the work to reach your goals! Inside the app, you'll get access to every tool and resource you need to be successful...

• Nutrition tracking - Log your food & water to stay on track. The 1st Phorm App is connected to a massive food database to make it easy.

• A full library of workout programs catered to help you reach your goals. Choose between at-home programs, weightlifting, cross-training, and so much more!

• Daily activity and step tracking to set goals and encourage a healthier lifestyle.

• Educational live streams 5x a week that cover a wide variety of topics from nutrition to training and supplementation. Equip yourself with the knowledge to earn and maintain your results long-term!

• Progress & body metric tools to help you measure your progress over time.

...and so much more!

With the premium version of the 1st Phorm App, you'll even get your own advisor! This is a Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach you can message 24/7. They'll help you make adjustments, answer your questions, and even hold you accountable when you need it most!

Hundreds of thousands of people have already transformed their lives with the 1st Phorm App. You can too! No matter where you're starting from or how crazy your schedule and lifestyle are ... the 1st Phorm App can help you achieve the results you've always wanted.

Download the 1st Phorm App today and start earning results today!

If you have any questions or need any help in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

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