Do you want a Chinese chest rig?
Do you want to hold three AK mags on your chest?
Do you want clone correct Type 56 gear?
This is considered one of the granddaddies to every modern chest rig. Produced in staggering numbers for a staggering amount of communists, it became so infamously widespread that it might've caused a giant leap in western gear. It's cheap, it's durable, and you can modify it to basically no end.
It consists of a design so simple and elegant only a red-blooded communist worker could have come up with it (along with the help of the party and their comrades). It consists of 3 main mag cells made to hold Kalashnikov-pattern standard capacity magazines, with a wooden toggle flap over each. The smaller side pockets are made to hold small oil and cleaning kits, bandages, and grenades.
Its construction consists of an olive drab cotton canvas with thicker material in the main mag flaps, and a soft nylon X-harness with a tied waist belt. That's pretty much it. It managed to help kick capitalist ass for a while until we caught up, but even today it has its own cult of diehard fans, or just people who want to LARP in the jungle.
By many, the type 56 is seen more as a platform to begin with rather than to rely on from the get-go. A popular modification is to add buckle fastening to the waist belt, or to remove all the harness components entirely and sew in buckles to be used with popular off the shelf harnesses. If you don't want to go that far, many aftermarket shoulder pads will also fit the rigs harness. You can also remove the auxiliary pouches and sew in MOLLE webbing. Some punch holes in the pouches to act as drainage ports, and some even waterproof or paint the rig in their own unique style to match their surroundings.
Just as the honorable chairman would say about his benevolence, the sky is the limit here.
Chest Rigs are in unissued condition, with the only possible wear from being in storage. No tears, cuts, rips, missing hardware, and only minor cosmetic blems at most.
Price $449.97
Do you want a Chinese chest rig?
Do you want to hold three AK mags on your chest?
Do you want clone correct Type 56 gear?
Fantastic, and quality chest rig! Now my Type 56 rifle doesn’t feel so alone! Perfect for anyone who wants to get their foot in the “chest rig door” you can also modify it yourself!
Bought this as a gift for my buddy, surprised how good of condition it's in. Some metal AK47 mags are a little difficult to index but don't snag when you pull them out. The grenade pouches are mostly useless, you're not going to fit anything else in there. But for how cheap it is I wouldn't feel bad ripping them off and stitching on some better pouches instead.
Seriously, what's on this thing that could even go wrong over time?
Great rig. It carries 3 AK mags and has some pretty useful side pockets, although I managed to squeeze in 3 extra AK mags. Still great product